DEXTER surname group
This is a site for anyone with interests in the DEXTER surname to come for discussions, to ask questions, or to share information on DEXTERs.
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One of my great-grandmothers was Eva Elizabeth Dexter (b. 1857, d. 1911). She was born and died in Michigan. Her husband was John Calvin Sayer.
This is Patricia Cox. The Dexter family I am looking for is from N.H. Etta Nina Dexter born April 1882 is my great grandmother on my mom's, dad's side.
I have an ancestor named Mary Dexter who married John Friend. Their daughter was Elizabeth Friend who was born in 1639 and died in 1674. She married John Packer. That is really all I know of Mary Dexter at this time.
My Dexters came to the US in the early 1700;s
I come through Richard and Direnda Dexter Birth: 12 Oct 1836
Coalville, Leics., England
Christening: 27 Nov 1836
Whitwick, Lcstr, Eng
Death: 10 Jul 1888
Almy, Uinta, Wy
Burial: 11 Jul 1888
Almy, Uinta, Wy
Father: John DEXTER
Mother: Lydia WARDLE
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