Genealogy Wise

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Susan Davis
  • Female
  • Gatineau, Quebec
  • Canada
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Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Davis, Laberee, Richardson, Dearden
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Montreal and Eastern Townships of Quebec, Vermont, New Hampshire,
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher

Comment Wall (2 comments)

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At 11:51am on January 28, 2013, Harry Lewis Judd said…

I'm looking for a Susan Davis that helped me, if your her then Hi Susan,

You know I'm not sure that I ever thanked you for helping me find my brother Randall Jack Harris but in case I didn't, THANKS!

I just returned from a visit with him and we have developed not only a genuine interest in each other but a bonded brotherhood has developed over the years since January 2006. It has been reward for both of us and our families.  He was adopted out at the age of about 3 and grew up as an only child with his mother after his father died during an industrial accident.  He married and had 2 children.  He didn't know what family was but now is part of an extended family that included 9 additional siblings on our mothers side, 4 step sibs from her marriage, and 6 other siblings on his fathers side.  Anyway I am so grateful for his presence in my life and you were an integral part of that and for that I am very appreciative, thank you again.

At 8:06pm on April 26, 2012, Jim Avery said…

I have a bunch of Davis - Daviss tombstone pictures from Hanover and Grafton Co NH. Let me know if you are interested and leave me an e-mail address to send them to. I used to live in Quechee VT



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