Genealogy Wise

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Terese Smith
  • Female
  • Savanna, IL
  • United States
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  • Edith Matheson

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Red River Settlement
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Advanced Family History Researcher
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At 10:02pm on December 21, 2013, Edith Matheson said…


I don't have anything for James Matheson from Scotland except the parish birth register (which is probably actually a baptism record): 16 July 1802 in Corraig, Sutherland shire, son of Alexander Matheson and Ann Matheson. My great-great grandparents were also Alexander and Ann, but they were different people and we have not discovered if there was any relationship. It's possible that either James's mother or step-mother, Jane (Matheson), might have been a sister of my ancestor Alexander.

I was able to learn a little about James but it is not yet in an e-mailable form. I will have to write it up for you. Well, I mean I had it written but I don't think it's on this present computer, maybe it's on a flash drive. If you are a descendant you may know as much or more than I do. But I'll be happy to tell you what I know. Just give me a couple of days.

Maybe you can tell me who you are descended from. There were some of his children I was not able to learn much about. I have not worked on that family for a while, and I'm sure there's a lot more information available on the internet now. I remember there were some interesting connections to other of the Red River settler families. I always enjoy picking up a family I haven't worked on for a while, and seeing what else I can add.



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