connie simonow has not received any gifts yet
Posted on September 10, 2010 at 2:10pm 10 Comments 0 Likes
My mother is Elsie Howland Copp born 1920. Her father was Thomas Stanley Howland born 1894 in New Bedford Mass. His father was Henry D. Howland married to Annie M. Simpson. That's as far back as I know for sure. What I'm trying to do is find out if my lineage goes back to the Mayflower. I am new at this and not really sure what to do. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
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If I were you I would research all the vital records and probate records for New Bedford, Bristol Co, MA. Especially the will or probate of Thomas A. Howland, and if his wife Elizabeth died between 1870 and 1880 census, then there may be some guardianship records for their minor children which could name Henry D, who was age 18 in the 1880 census.
His younger brother William R, was onlly 16 in 1880, so he may have been appointed a guardian at her death, more than likely the father.
Also who was this cousin Deborah Howland, age 70, more than likely she married a Howland and so her maiden name is unknown.
And who is this Abigail age 94, who is listed as Howland, and also a border.
This could give you some good leads to the right family.
Remember there were tons of Howlands in that area, lots with duplicate names.
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