Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

This is a one day event. It is an all day event.  I truly believe it is going to be the best of the best because of the topics and whom our speakers are.

We will open our doors at the Chula Vista Golf Course  at ( Tentative Schedule)

8:30 am to sign in and you to get your badge etc. 

9 am  Brief on history of Leland Meitzler and William Dollarhide by Susi Pentico, The impression they left and a background on them.

9:15  Drawing then.

Dollarhide’s Session 1:  The Main Migration Groups from the British Isles to America prior to the Revolutionary War:
Group 1. The Puritans:  East Anglia Puritans to New England, 1629-1648 (about 21,000 immigrants). Counties where they lived in Britain, and where they came to settle in America.
Group 2.  The Cavaliers:  Cavaliers and their Servants from Southwest  England to the Chesapeake, 1641-1675 (about 45,000 immigrants). Counties where they lived in Britain, and where they came to settle in America
Group 3. The Quakers & Palatines. The North Midland English Quakers and Palatine Germans to the Delaware Valley, 1675-1725. (About 23,000 immigrants). Counties where they lived in Britain, and where they came to settle in America.

10:15  Q & A   drawing

10:30 to 11:30 
Meitzler - Migration Routes of Our Ancestors: Our ancestors often migrated within the United States, and territories. How can we ascertain where they came from? Why did they move? What routes did they take, and what records are available? The lecture covers a period dating from the 1600s until about 1880, covering the entire continental U.S.A.

11:30   Q & A, drawing then served luncheon by the Club, drawing

12:45 p m 
Dollarhides Session 2: The Scots-Irish Invasion of America.
Group 4.  The Scots-Irish. The Borderers of Scotland and England, many of whom had been earlier transported to Northern Ireland, and their migration to the American Appalachian backwoods, 1717-1775 (about 250,000 immigrants). Where they lived in Britain and Ireland, and where they came to settle in America.
Summary of the Four Groups:  A comparison of the cultures and folkways of the four British groups, such as
four different styles of worship, folk dances, clothing,  food, inheritance, naming patterns, etc.

Q & A, Drawing

2 p m  
Meitzler - Newspaper Research in the 21st Century:
Newspapers have long held information that genealogists can use. Learn a bit about newspaper history; where to quickly find papers, and what to look for, once found. An amazing amount of genealogical information is located in the papers, even papers from the colonial period in America. Learn to locate the papers you need, both online and off. Also learn what guides and finding aids are now available and how to use them.

3 p m  Q & A,  Door Prizes, purchase books talk with speakers.
 They are bring many of their books. WHOOPEEEE.  

If you need a place to stay let us know, we have some motels near the facility.

Cost is $35 with luncheon, snacks, prizes and drawings,

Educational Chairperson 
Seminar Co Chairperson 
619 623 5250

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Comment by Susi (Susan C Jones) Pentico on February 5, 2012 at 12:07am

They are bringing their books. Do not  miss a chance to look at their extensive collection of great reading sources and  maps and data.  Family Roots Publishing -

Their prices are awesome also.

Comment by Susi (Susan C Jones) Pentico on February 2, 2012 at 8:13pm

Chula Vista Genealogical Society Home page  to get registration form.


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