I am going to post this to the blog page hoping we will be able to reach out to the homebound, gasoline broke home bound and all other researchers. I think this is going to be the way of the future due to gas prices and the situations of today.
Come join a chat (class) Instructed here at Genealogywise.com or if you still also have an aol.com address attend the various chats held there. Do not over look Looking4Kin 's web site and chats that are held there.
Rita & I do a Thursday chat at 6 pm on Vital Records pacific time, right here on genealogywise.com.
Open the url and then click on Chat in the green bar, then enter the chat room and learn, share and find kin and information from the privacy of your home or library or Starbucks etc.
Jayne & Dae's Weekly Genealogy Chats Reminder

For a real genealogical journey! |
11 April 2011 |
Mondae, 11-Apr-11, GENTREK presents "America's Forgotten Insurgents." The past few years have changed all of our lives. For what we now believe is the first time, Americans know that we are no longer isolated from terror in the world. But there were other insurgents ... Join us at 9:00 pm EST in the AOL Genealogy Chatroom.
Mondae, 11-Apr-11, GENTREK presents "Nonconformist Researching." Nonconformists in England were Protestants who did not conform to the state recognized Church of England. Many American researchers have similar nonconformist ancestors whose families and backgrounds in England are nonconformist. Discovering if this is the case for a given ancestor and finding information about the forbears of that ancestor can be difficult using standard English research procedures. Come join us at 10:00 pm EST in theGenealogy Wise Chatroom.
Thursdae, 14-Apr-11, GENTREK presents "Evaluating the Evidence We Have Researched." It has been almost 14 years (summer 1997) since the Board of Certification of Genealogists rejected the phrase, "preponderance of evidence," or POE, as a standard of proof. How do we prove a family relationship, if no record clearly contains the required information? Come learn with us at 10:00pm EST in the chatroom of Looking4Kin.
Saturdae, 16-Apr-11, GENTREK presents our "Guide to Passenger Lists" Often more time is spent hunting for our ancestors on ship passenger lists than any other type of research. In our naiveté we might assume the records will reveal the country our ancestors left. It isn't always that simple. Come join us at 10:00 AM EST in the Genealogy Wise Chatroom.
U.S. Civil War Chats
Thursdae, 14-Apr-11 — The American Civil War History chat will be presented by Jim Avery. He will tell us about the Farnsworth House in Gettysburg. Join us each week at 11 PM EST in the AOL chatroom,Ancestral Digs.
Fridae, 15-Apr-11, The American Civil War History chat will present "THE WRECK OF THE PRISONERS TRAIN." Not all the tragic waste of human life in the Civil War was on the battlefields and in the hospitals and prison camps. Far removed from the fighting front, in the Northeast corner of Pennsylvania, near the little town of Shohola in Pike County, more soldiers died in the early afternoon of Friday, July 15, 1864 than were killed in many of the small battles that have received some notice in published Civil War history. Please join us at 10 PM EST in the AOL chatroom, Ancestral Digs.
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