Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

August Picnic for Chula Vista 5 Gen Charts Everyone

This month we have been focusing on learning the how's and why's of filing out our paperwork.
To also learn how to fill it out properly, sourcing it to another place and completing it as best we can.

There are a plethora of charts for us to us. Each serves a different purpose or carries a different agenda. There are round charts, fan charts, regular 9 x 13 charts, ha ha got you.

Now we learn if you color code some, the way they are designed you can do a migration pattern using that same chart you were using for garnering information for other reasons.

I have sat in on two of Ruth Himan's talks on Charts and Forms and let me tell you I have learned something each time. O yes, I use those charts often and steady but the mind did not think in the direction she set the group looking. I love duel duty events.

So with our charts filled to the best of our knowledge we are to take them to our picnic and then learn
whom else may have a name in our region or even the same name we are seeking.

We are doing this so there is better inner action between our members when doing research.
We get great interaction at the BRICK WALL meetings but this is to reach out to everyone.

I learned long ago the more I help others the more I will find for myself by accident. I love Hank Jones theory also. Because when they are ready to be found they will let you know if not they lead around in circles until you move to something else and low and behold there it is.

So have the dates completed, the lineages updated, the b, m, d included and bring up to 7 generations for research sharing if you have them.

It is going to be a really fun event and we may have to bring a bucket of ice to cool off in.
Elk's Lodge Telegraph Canyon Rd, Chula Vista, CA ... 10:30 to 2 is suspected time for some reason I do not recall seeing time. I am sure it is posted.

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