Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Saturday 7th May 2011 saw the start of a two day exhibition organised by the East Yorkshire Family History Society to commemorate Kingston Upon Hull's worst night of the 1941 blitz. The exhibition was held at Carnegie Heritage Centre and with the help of volunteer groups such as the Heroes of Hull Web Site. The exhibition itself was an overwhelming success with the several hundred opening day visitors being treated to a flypast  by a  Battle of Britain Memorial Flight Spitfire, which many watched from a sun drenched West Park.

Once inside visitors could see WW2 arms, Civil Defence and WW2 paraphernalia, presentations, maps , pictures and much more. A local lady who had survey the blitz commented on what a wonderful achievement it was by a small group of enthusiast, to bring such a wonderful collection of information  to the public. Children  and young people also had the opportunity to learn about the history of their city and about what life had been like for their wartime ancestors. Continued





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