Genealogy Wise

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Current Ahnentafel From Generation 3 to Generation 7 (To Protect Living individuals, Gen 1 and 2 are omitted) - December 20, 2009

Thought this was a good way to start my genealogy blog with a current list of all relatives from my grandparents back to Generation 7 that I have found in my search. This gives the reader a good look at who I am researching and will hopefully lay the groundwork for me to blog about what I know about each individual. If needed or the interest arrises that I want to look at someone after Generation 7 this list will be updated and the corresponding Generation will be added so look for further updates as this blog continues. Surnames will be posted in Bold and in Caps for easy searching. All lines are still being researched so undoubtedly this list will change in the future as errors, more information, and more people are found, but each update will be dated as to when it was written in the title of the post. This list was current as of 20 December 2009.

If you have comments on this blog entry please send me a message to my inbox. This is a work in progress so I have made it unable to be commented on. In the future, blog comments will be allowed, but on an approval basis.

Signed: Jeanne (researcher)

To Protect Living Individuals, generations 1 and 2 have been omitted and Living individuals in Generation 3 have been listed as Living with surname in bold.

Generation No. 3: Grandparents

4. William Halsey HOWELL, born 28 March 1907 in Martin, Pike or Floyd County, Kentucky (birth record unable to be found, believed destroyed, date of birth was given to me by my father, his son); died 15 September 1952 in Ethel, Logan County, West Virginia (COD: Died in Coal Mine Accident). He married 5. Nancy Louisa AKERS 09 Jun 1929 in Auxier, Floyd County, Kentucky.

5. Nancy Louisa AKERS, born 01 June 1907 in Floyd County Kentucky (birth record unable to be found, believed destroyed, date of birth was given to me by my father, his son and was listed on her death record and funeral notice); died 05 December 1991 in Logan, Logan County, West Virginia.

6. Claude Wilber PICKRELL, born 30 March 1910 in Wirt County, West Virginia (delayed birth Record); died 11 February 1954 in Kanawha County, West Virginia (COD: Heart Attack). He married 7. Living ODELL on 23 November 1932 in Reedy, Roane County, West Virginia.

7. Living O'DELL

Generation No. 4: Great Grandparents

8. Farmer Mallie HOWELL, born 03 March 1880 in Mud Creek, Floyd County, Kentucky; died 21 December 1957 in Blairtown, Pike County, Kentucky. He married 9. Minnie Belle STRATTON 26 January 1906 in Floyd County, Kentucky.

9. Minnie Belle STRATTON, born 04 May 1884 in Floyd County, Kentucky; died 23 July 1945 in Methodist Hospital, Pikeville, Pike County, Kentucky.

10. Albert Lee AKERS, born 25 April 1882 in Johnson County, Kentucky; died 13 January 1930 in Porter Voting Distict, Floyd County, Kentucky. He married 11. Elon Octavia BURCHETT 26 May 1902 in Floyd County, Kentucky.

11. Elon Octavia BURCHETT, born 14 April 1881 on the Big Branch, Dewey, Floyd County, Kentucky; died 12 June 1967 in Prestonsburg, Floyd County, Kentucky.

12. Levi Orlando PICKERELL, born 02 December 1875 in ? Roane County, West Virginia; died 10 January 1938 in Leroy, Ravenswood District, Jackson County, West Virginia. He married 13. Cora Violet DENNIS 18 November 1903 in Elizabeth, Wirt County, West Virginia.

13. Cora Violet DENNIS, born 06 December 1880 in ? Wirt County, West Virginia (cannot find birth record); died 02 August 1958 in Wood County, West Virginia.

14. James Louis O'DELL, born 22 October 1884 in Mead District, Tyler County, West Virginia; died 12 March 1977 in Charleston, Kanawha County, West Virginia. He married 15. Mable Ann Wilcox 27 Feb 1910 in Home of J. H. Leeper, Duncan, Jackson County, West Virginia.

15. Mable Ann WILCOX, born 25 October 1889 in Sandyville, Jackson County, West Virginia; died 06 March 1952 in Charleston, Kanawha County, West Virginia.

Generation No. 5: 2nd Great Grandparents

16. Jessie HOWELL, born about November 1831 in Ashe County, North Carolina (place given as birth in 1850 census, date of birth from 1900 census listing); died between the taking of the 1900 Census record and the 1910 Census Record in Kentucky (living in 1900, wife widow in 1910). He married 17. Spicey HALL 20 March 1878 in Floyd County, Kentucky. This was his 2nd marriage, the first was to Elizabeth HALL and occurred sometime between 1850 and 1860 (no record has been found).

17. Spicey HALL, born Between 1860 and August 1863 in Floyd County, Kentucky; died 22 June 1931 in Floyd County, Kentucky.

18. Anderson Caldwell STRATTON, born September 1849 in Floyd County, Kentucky. It is currently unknown when he died. He married 19. Caroline Darby 09 March 1876 in Floyd County, Kentucky.

19. Caroline DARBY, born August 1852 in Kentucky; died 07 May 1912 in Floyd County, Kentucky.

20. John C. AKERS, born 22 December 1859 in Johnson County, Kentucky; died 30 September 1934 in White's Creek, Cereda District, Wayne County, West Virginia. He married 21. Lucinda "Louise" DAVIS 15 Apr 1880 in Home of B.L. Davis, Johnson County, KY.

21. Lucinda "Louise" DAVIS, born 12 July 1861 in Johnson County, Kentucky; died 18 February 1941 in Ceredo District, Wayne County, West Virginia.

22. Jesse (James) P. BURCHETT, born 01 March 1830 in Floyd County, Kentucky; died 27 June 1895 in Floyd County, Kentucky. He married 23. Louisa BEVINS 09 April 1857 in Pike County, Kentucky.

23. Louisa BEVINS, born 04 March 1838 in Kentucky. Date of death for this individual is unknown.

24. Andrew Jackson PICKERELL, born about 1852 in Roane County, West Virginia; died 24 November 1917 in Lockport, Lubeck District, Wood County, West Virginia. He married 25. Susan Elizabeth SIMS 08 March 1872 in Roane County, West Virginia.

25. Susan Elizabeth SIMS, born 14 November 1853 in Jackson County, West Virginia; died July 1897 in Probably in Roane County, West Virginia (No Death Record has been found for this individual, date of death is not confirmed, however Andrew Jackson PICKERELL remarried and was living with 2nd wife in 1900 Census).

26. Lemuel DENNIS, born 04 February 1849 in Monroe County, Ohio; died 07 November 1935 at his house in Belleville, Wood County, West Virginia. He married 27. Hannah Loretta WINLAND 21 December 1873 in Monroe County, Ohio.

27. Hannah Loretta WINLAND, born 21 May 1856 in Monroe County, Ohio; died 29 March 1900 in Wirt County, West Virginia.

28. Benjamin Franklin ODLE, born Between 1846 and 1849 in Pleasant County, West Virginia; died After 1920 in Pleasant or Tyler County, West Virginia (no death certificate has been found and individual is in unmarked grave next to daughter Alice Ida (ODLE) REEBLE in Meadowdale Cemetery in Ravenswood District, Jackson County, West Virginia). He married 29. Sarah Lamp 14 March 1872 in Tyler County, West Virginia.

29. Sarah LAMP, born Between 1850 and 1853.

30. Arestos Elmer Peter WILCOX, born 02 March 1845 in Marion County, Virginia; died 22 November 1929 in Jackson County, West Virginia. He married 31. Mary Ann ROBINSON 24 December 1868 in Athens County, Ohio.

31. Mary Ann ROBINSON, born 02 January 1852 in Ohio; died 20 January 1914 in Sandyville, Jackson County, West Virginia.

Generation No. 6: 3rd Great Grandparents

32. Larkin Jesse HOWELL, born Bet. 1804 - 1811; died Bet. 1863 - 1870 in Kentucky.

33. Name of 1st wife Unknown. He married Euphrasia (McFARLAND) DYE about 1844, but she was not the mother of my ancestor.

34. Riley HALL, born about 1829; died Between 1880 and 1911 in Kentucky. He married 35. Mary Ann ADAMS 31 December 1853 in Pike County, Kentucky.

35. Mary Ann ADAMS, born about 1837.

36. James Washington STRATTON, born 03 November 1821 in Mare Creek, Floyd County, Kentucky. He married 37. Nancy Jennie HUNT.

37. Nancy Jennie HUNT, born about 1825 in Floyd County, Kentucky.

38. Hugh DARBY, born about 1813; died 14 February 1892 in Duvale, Floyd County, Kentucky. He married 39. Caroline Huff 25 Dec 1848 in Carter County, Kentucky.

39. Caroline HUFF, died 14 Jun 1909 in Cattlettsburg, Boyd County, Kentucky.

40. Robert N. AKERS, born About 1833; died 1885. He married 41. Nancy Beck (maybe short for Rebecca?) Porter 14 January 1858 in Johnson Co., Kentucky.

41. Nancy Beck (maybe short for Rebecca?) PORTER, born 30 August 1828; died 01 March 1919.

42. Bracken Lewis "Lee" DAVIS, born 11 February 1838; died 01 December 1921 in Johnson County, Kentucky. He married 43. Mary Elizabeth CONLEY 18 November 1856 in Johnson County, Kentucky.

43. Mary Elizabeth CONLEY, born 18 August 1840; died 16 March 1908.

44. Thomas BURCHETT, born about 1792 in Virginia; died 1874 in Johns Creek, Floyd County, Kentucky. He married 45. Millie MAYNARD 29 February 1816 in Floyd County, Kentucky.

45. Millie MAYNARD, born about 1797 in North Carolina.

46. George BEVINS, born about 1807; died between 1870 and 1880. He married 47. Nancy WILLIAMSON 03 December 1829 in Pike County, Kentucky.

47. Nancy WILLIAMSON, born about 1803 in Virginia; died about 1888.

48. Levi PICKERELL, Jr., born 10 December 1822 in Frauquier County, Virginia; died between 1880 Census and 1900 Census in Roane County, West Virginia. He married 49. Mariah RADER 21 September 1848 in Wirt County, West Virginia.

49. Mariah RADER, born 13 October 1815 in Ripley, Mason County, Virginia; died 03 October 1875 in Wirt or Roane County, West Virginia.

50. Martin W. SIMS, born 12 June 1815 in Harrison County, West Virginia; died 15 February 1882 in Roane County, West Virginia. He married 51. Susanna Waggoner 16 March 1837 in Lewis County, Virginia.

51. Susanna WAGGONER, born 16 March 1816 in Jesse Run, Harrison County, Virginia.

52. Absolum DENNIS, Sr., born 05 June 1791 in Loudoun County, Virginia; died 19 May 1877 in Monroe County, Ohio. He married 53. Jane (maiden name unknown, she was the Widow of William LOCKARD of Cleveland, Ohio), 13 July 1848 in Bethel Township, Monroe County, Ohio. This was Absolum DENNIS's second marriage as he was married before to a Mary Ann WILSON who died 12 December 1846 in Monroe County, Ohio.

53. Jane (Maiden Name Unknown, was widow of William LOCKARD of Cleveland, Ohio), born about 1815 in Maryland (Probably Hartford County, Maryland); died 10 November 1879 in Adams Township, Monroe County, Ohio.

54. Jacob WINLAND, born 26 February 1824 in Center Township, Monroe County, Ohio; died 13 October 1898 in Monroe County, Ohio. He married 55. Mariah McELROY Before 1856.

55. Mariah McELROY No Information Known

56. William ODLE, born between 1802 and 1804; died about 1887. He married 57. Jane MORGAN Before November 1835.

57. Jane MORGAN, born About 1811.

58. Abraham LAMP, born About 1823 in Ohio; died Between 30 July 1862 and 31 December 1862 in Tyler County, West Virginia. He married 59. Elizabeth VARNER Before 1849.

59. Elizabeth VARNER, born 28 June 1828 in Pennsylvania.

60. John S. WILCOX, born between 1812 and 1815; died 07 September 1895 in Jackson County, West Virginia. He married 61. Evalina Faud DRAGOO 19 September 1837 in Monongalia County, West Virginia

61. Evalina Faud DRAGOO, born 11 October 1818 in Monongalia County, West Virginia; died 28 March 1897 in Jackson County, West Virginia.

62. Benjamin F. ROBINSON, born 30 January 1823 in Ohio County, West Virginia; died after 15 May 1900 in Odaville, Jackson County, West Virginia (will wrote on 15 May 1900). He married 63. Charlotte T. CONANT 08 March 1846 in Amesville, Athens County, Ohio By Justice of the Peace, John Brawley. ( I am currently writing biographical outline on this family, will post it when I finish compiling what I have on them. So look for it in a future blog entry :) )

63. Charlotte T. CONANT, born 20 February 1827 in Broadwells, Athens County, Ohio; died 30 December 1919 in Cox Valley, Logan County, Arkansas. (I an currently writing biographical outline on this family, will post it when I finish compiling what I have on them. So look for it in a future blog entry :) )

Generation No. 7

68. Samuel HALL, born 1798; died 1885. He married 69. Spicey RHEA about 1817 in Scott County, Virginia.

69. Spicey RHEA, born 1795 in Pennsylvania.

70. William ADAMS , born about 1791 in Clark County, Kentucky; died about 1860 in Pike County, Kentucky. He married 71. Christina CRACE 24 February 1818 in Floyd County, Kentucky.

71. Christina CRACE, born about 1800 in Rockbridge County, Virginia.

72. Solomon Hunter STRATTON, born 14 September 1796 in Tazwell County, Virginia; died 17 August 1882 in Floyd County, Kentucky. He married 73. Jennie "Jane" Shannon LAYNE 30 November 1820 in Mare Creek, Floyd County, Kentucky (?).

73. Jennie "Jane" Shannon LAYNE, born 26 January 1804 in Laynesville, Floyd County, Kentucky; died 22 April 1883 in Floyd County, Kentucky.

76. Hugh DARBY, born 1783. He married 77. Catherine (maiden name unknown at present time).

77. Catherine (maiden name unknown at present time), born in Ireland.

80. Thomas Blackburn AKERS, born 1805; died About 1888. He married 81. Kesiah MEADE 24 April 1823 in Floyd County, Kentucky.

81. Kesiah MEADE, born 1805; died About 1843.

82. Samuel Walker PORTER, born about 20 March 1795 in Scott County, Virgina; died 19 May 1881 in Johnson County, Kentucky. He married 83. Anna RAINES 18 April 1816 in Scott County, Virginia.

83. Anna RAINES, born between 1800 and 1801 in Virginia; died 13 Feb 1884.

84. Elias DAVIS, born 15 August 1804 in Botetourt County, Virginia or Colvin Branch, Johnson County, Kentucky; died 13 July 1893. He married 85. Elizabeth "Anna" CURTIS 20 February 1823 in Floyd County, Kentucky.

85. Elizabeth "Anna" CURTIS, born Between 06 October 1803 and 30 October 1803 in or Colvin Branch, Johnson County, Kentucky; died 22 March 1887.

86. Thomas CONLEY, Jr., born Between 1812 and 1820 in Wilkes County, North Carolina; died in Floyd County, Kentucky. He married 87. Mahala DAVIS 12 September 1833.

87. Mahala DAVIS, born between 1813 and 1816 in Virginia (possibly Botetourt County, Virginia); died in Kentucky.

88. (Possibly) William BURCHETT, born 07 October 1754 in Lunenburg County, Virginia. Name of Wife UNKNOWN.

92. John H. BEVINS, born 03 June 1786 in Russell County, Virginia; died July 1866 in Pike County, Kentucky. He married 93. Mary Jane STACY.

93. Mary Jane STACY, born 28 May 1790 in Pike County, Kentucky; died 04 October 1857 in Pike County, Kentucky.

94. John WILLIAMSON, born 19 May 1781 in Russell County, Virginia; died 07 August 1867 in Williamson, Mingo County, West Virginia. He married 95. Elander BLACK 1798.

95. Elander BLACK, born 30 August 1785; died 01 January 1870.

96. Levi PICKERELL, Sr., born about 1782; died 1852. He married 97. Susannah Rosannah HITT 12 January 1809 in Fauquier County, Virginia.

97. Susannah Rosannah HITT, born 02 April 1790 in Fauquier County, Virginia; died after 1850 Census.

98. Joseph A. RADER (Served in War of 1812), born 21 October 1790 in Timberville, Botentourt County, Virginia; died 27 November 1880 in Big Run, Wirt County, West Virginia. He married 99. Martha RAYBURN 08 August 1813 in Mason County, Virginia.

99. Martha RAYBURN, born 09 November 1791 in Greenbrier County, Virginia; died 15 June 1881 in Wirt County, West Virginia.

100. John W. SIMS, born between 1782 and 1785. He married 101. May Polly CURTIN

101. May Polly CURTIN

102. Johann Michael WAGGONER (Served in Revolutionary War), born about 1752 in Whitemarsh, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania; died 1843 in Romney, Lewis County, Virginia. He married 103. Susannah Richards 19 Feb 1799 in Virginia. Johann Michael Waggoner was married before he married Susannah RICHARDS to Margaret BONNETT who died in an Indian Attack in May 1792 in Lewis County, Virginia.

103. Susannah RICHARDS, born about 1781 in Harrison County, Virginia; died before October 1840 in Lewis County, Virginia.

104. John DENNIS, born about 1744 in Fairfax County, Virginia. He married 105. Elizabeth BUCKLEY Probably in Fairfax County, Virginia (no record).

105. Elizabeth BUCKLEY, born about 1748.

108. Henry WINLAND, born 13 December 1800 in Pennsylvania or Ohio; died 16 June 1849 in Monroe County, Ohio. He married 109. Hannah BROWN About 1818.

109. Hannah BROWN, born 07 January 1798 in Virginia or Pennsylvania; died 27 March 1881 in Monroe County, Ohio.

112. Joshua ODLE, born about 1780 in Maryland; died about January 1827 in Harrison County, Virginia. He married 113. Susanna DAVIS 01 April 1802 in Allegany County, Maryland.

113. Susanna DAVIS, born about 1783 in Maryland; died after 1880.

116. Jacob LAMP, born 15 September 1794 in Winchester, Frederick County, Virginia; died 25 January 1885 in Bowling Green, Licking County, Ohio. He married 117. Susannah SNYDER 16 August 1813 in Washington Township, Belmont County, Ohio.

117. Susannah SNYDER, born 27 March 1794 in Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania; died 01 January 1891 in Hebrum, Pleasants County, West Virginia.

118. William Henry VARNER, born about September 1807 in Green County, Pennsylvania; died 29 January 1874 in Jordan, Scott County, Minnesota. He married 119. Letilia I. WOOD.

119. Letilia I. WOOD, born September 1805 in Fayette County, Pennsylvania.

120. Stephen B. WILCOX, Jr., born 30 September 1790 in Hampshire County, Virginia; died 17 March 1871. He married 121. Sarah SPILLMAN 24 January 1811 in Hampshire County, Virginia.

121. Sarah SPILLMAN, born 06 January 1790; died October 1870.

122. Ephraim DRAGOO, born 13 June 1784 in Monongalia County, Virginia; died 21 April 1834 in Fairmont, Marion County, Virginia. He married 123. Elizabeth BALLAH 10 April 1805 in Monangalia County, Virginia.

123. Elizabeth BALLAH, born 12 October 1783 in Wales; died 20 October 1853.

126. (Possibly) Jeremiah CONANT, born About 1780 in New York; died in Decatur Township, Athens County, Ohio (lived for time in Rome Township, Athens County, Ohio as well). He married 127. Abigail MUNCY 1804 in NY State.

127. Abigail MUNCY, born before 1787 in Herkimer County, New York.

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