Genealogy Wise

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Doesn't matter how long you do it Genealogy is still a tangle

I don't know, for days now I've been chasing some twigs on my family tree, a Jewish line, something I haven't delved into before. I can't find their entry into Australia, and I've tried various spellings of their surname - Isaacs - and by using all different first names, including the wives. Nothing matches or makes sense. I've tried looking in Britain (but you've got to pay to join ditto the States, I thought my paid up Australian version which covered the UK would cover me, apparently not. Buggers. They just want more money. I think their fees are outrageous enough without wanting more. Enought about them.)

This family were travelers. I THINK they Started in Spain, why? Because the first wife I have is a Rodreguz and various (a boy are there a LOT of them)spellings of that name. So the first couple are (from as far back as I can go) Benjamin Isaacs and his wife Rachel Rodregus. I got their name of a listing of their sons death. Their son Abraham Benjamin Isaacs born 1825 in England - I think! He died 1902 in Richmond Victoria, Australia, but between times went to New York America, THEN came to Australia. I can't find records for any movement of him or his parents. Bummer. Anyway Abraham Benjamin he left a will bless him, so I have his childrens name, where he and his wife lived and some of their possessions (OK he thought they were his, his wife probably knew different). Abraham and his wife are buried together at Melbourne General Cemetery Carlton Victoria. I only found out where they were buried today! Pays to LOOK and LOOK and LOOK. Abraham's wife's name was Frances Levy/Levi (I read an article that said Jewish name spellings were not to be adhered to too strictly or you'd drive yourself nuts), born about 1827 don't know where, I'm assuming England, but that's a HUGE guess. She died 1894 at the same house her husband did. They left 6 kids, I have two Louis' listed one as Lewis and one as Louis but I'm counting them as one. So Lewis.

Lewis Isaacs born 1850 New York - somewhere in New York, and was it New York State or New York City, who knows. Died 1918 in Clifton Hill, Victoria, Australia. Married in 1869 to Louisa Robinson. That was young for a man to get married wasn't it? 19? Back then? (then again first son John was born that same year). Louisa was born in 1851 to a John Robinson and Mary Key, though I've checked the records and can not find a record of her birth in that or surrounding years to that couple, then again I can't find a Mary Key at all. Louisa died 4 years after Lewis in 1922. Now here's a weird bit (like the rest isn't complicated). Louisa is buried in a DIFFERENT cemetery to Lewis (he's at Fawkner she's at Coburg). AND I find there's a strange man in with her, who's name I haven't come across before a William Lewis James, AND they're buried in the Church of England Section, which as she went in first - well - I don't know.

So how the heck do I untangle all the knots, and where the hey do I find the information I want. The immigration/emmigration records, the kids, the right names, and what about Lewis and Louisa? I found one person who knew a TINY bit about the next generation down, just one childs name, I have a LOT more, even a photo, but I didn't let them know. Why? What could I tell them this is too tangled. Grrr. I want to put it away and not do anything for a while, after all these are not my Grandparents, they're my Uncle's mother's family, but still they pull at me. I hate people that won't let go, but then my Uncle has a stubborn streak, and I sure can see where he gets it from!

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Comment by Jo Kotylak on July 21, 2009 at 8:44pm
This was not actually posted at July 21, 2009 at 8:40pm, it was actually about 12.40pm on 22 Jul 2009 - I'm in Australia. I guess this is Northern Hemisphere time.


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