For Immediate Release
October 17, 2014
Federation of Genealogical Societies and Global Family Reunion join forces for the largest family reunion in history
FGS Marshals Its Hundreds of Member Societies to Help Global Family Reunion Fight Alzheimer’s
October 17, 2014 – Austin, TX. The Federation of Genealogical Societies (FGS) and the Global Family Reunion announced today their partnership for the largest family reunion in history to be held June 6, 2015 on the site of the legendary 1964 New York’s World Fair to benefit Alzheimer’s research, education, and training.
FGS will facilitate the organization of Global Family Reunion branch parties at many of its member societies across the United States and around the world.
“As a leader in the family history community, FGS is delighted to be working with the Global Family Reunion,” said FGS President D. Joshua Taylor. “As genealogy increases in popularity, events like the Global Family Reunion give our member societies the chance to show the world the best of the best. We couldn't be happier to join Mr. Jacobs and his search for cousins across the world to benefit such a worthy cause."
Brainchild of best-selling author and three-time TED talk speaker, A.J. Jacobs, the Global Family Reunion will host the event in New York. It will include talks, family history exhibits, the world’s largest family photo, other family reunion activities as well as live-streaming to branch parties located all over the world.
“I'm thrilled the Global Family Reunion and the Federation of Genealogical Societies have formed a partnership. I can't wait to work with FGS and its wonderful member societies on this project to spread the word to all members of the human family about how fun and fascinating genealogy is,” said Global Family Reunion Founder A.J. Jacobs. “Plus, I'm very, very distant cousins with everyone on the FGS team, so it's all in the family.”
The talks and presentations will feature a wide range of fascinating experts and entertainers including Academy Award-nominated director of Supersize Me Morgan Spurlock, the 41st President of the United States George H.W. Bush (via video), Peabody Award-winning correspondent Scott Simon, leading population geneticist and director of National Geographic’s Genographic Project Spencer Wells, and Federation of Genealogical Societies President D. Joshua Taylor.
About the Federation of Genealogical Societies (FGS)
The Federation of Genealogical Societies (FGS) was founded in 1976 and represents the members of hundreds of genealogical societies. FGS links the genealogical community by helping genealogical societies and family history enthusiasts strengthen and grow through online resources, FGS FORUM magazine, and through its annual national conference which provides four days of excellent learning opportunities for both societies and family history enthusiasts. To learn more about FGS visit To learn more about the next annual conference to be held in Salt Lake City, UT, visit Also, find FGS on Facebook, on Twitter @FGSgenealogy and on the FGS Voice blog at
About Global Family Reunion
The Global Family Reunion is an event conceived by bestselling author A.J. Jacobs. It will include presentations by celebrities, genealogists, and famous scientists, music, comedy, games, interactive exhibits and food. Jacobs became fascinated with the idea that every person on Earth is related to every other after entering his name in several genealogy websites and finding he was connected to people all over the globe. "Once we realize we're all related," he says, "we can solve the big problems, like Alzheimer's". He is using the event to collect donations, which will be distributed to Cure Alzheimer's Fund and the Alzheimer's Association NYC Chapter. The Global Family Reunion will be the topic of Jacobs' next book and the subject of a documentary by Morgan Spurlock (Supersize Me). Among those participating are actor Daniel Radcliffe, President George H.W. Bush and comedian Nick Kroll. The event has already been featured in the New York Times, People Magazine, NPR and Good Morning America. If you are interested in attending, please see the event website at for more information. Plus, take a few minutes and watch Jacobs’ TED talk The world’s largest family reunion…we’re all invited!
Contact: Federation of Genealogical Societies
Caroline Pointer, Marketing & Publicity Chair
phone: +1 (888) 347-1500
Global Family Reunion
A.J. Jacobs
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