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Franklin was born 26 June 1860 Greene Co. PA and died June  1940 in Wheatland , Wyoming was carried back by train to Iowa for burial next to his wife. Mom was expecting me and she could not go. It broke her heart. 

Franklin Cornelius Hoffman, son of Sanford and Rachel Plants Hoffman raised three children:

Robert, Grace and Cecil Leroy. Their mother was Samantha Abigail DuVall, also born in PA near Franklin.

Mom always called him Grandpa Frank.  The  man with the twinkle in his eyes and a humor to go with them.

A separate story is in my book about when my Grandad Cecil Lee (Dutch) got married to his wife and what Great Grandpa Frank did at the wedding.  Grandad told me this story first, Mom confirmed she had always heard it and Grandad repeated it many times so proud of how all turned out after his Dad's adventure with his new bride. A fun story. 

Frank was a young man of about 12 years of age when they moved from  Greene Co Pa to Iowa. He was in charge of the cattle and animals so he walked behind the wagon from PA to IA. He had a dog that kept him company.

His father grew Walnut trees that he sold to the government for rifle stocks.  

After he sold his business in Iowa he moved to Wheatland Wyo area to spend the last of his years with his family.

I have seen pictures of him and seems that he was truly a fun man because all of them he is smiling.I understand he had an awesome sense of humor much like his son Cecil Lee.

1850 United States Federal Census

with his family and parents

1860 United States Federal Census  HUFFMAN

with his wife and first child and Franklin.

Sanford 25

Rachel 23

Prusilla J 1  She is buried Windy Gap Cemetery, Aleppo, Greene Co. PA I have picture of her in casket.

Francis M 2/12 (Franklin M)

1870 United States Federal Census

Rogersville, Springhill, Greene, PA

All 1880 United States Federal Census Results - 1880 United States ...

Appanoose Taylor Iowa

Iowa, State Census Collection, 1836-1925 1885 '

Appanoose, Taylor, Iowa

his wife's parents were with them and children

Would love to hear from other family members.

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