Genealogy Wise

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Climate changes affect Genealogy in many ways. People migrate due to changes, floods, famine etc.
Many people died on ships when crossing the ocean seas with the storms never heard of before at that time of the year appeared. People froze to death in NY City and other areas when a large drop in temperature brought all mode of travel to a halt and produce or milk or food could not be brought to the city dwellers. Country people generally, faired better because they had only themselves to rely on. So they would have water and food stored in the cabin for a bad winter storm. They also paid more attention to the weather than people in the city. Their lives depended on knowing what the weather was going to do or at least what they thought what it would do.

A series of books was written and at this time I do not know the name just that they were creme white on cover with a blue and red line across the book and it was encyclopedias for early american history which covered much of it in relationship to the weather. The library tossed the books when modifiying their space alas no more.

IF you ever see them take the time to read them it explains a lot of events and the reason people were here there and not findable.

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