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Geneology research, more than just the facts

Geneology research is more than just facts. We know census records show names, age, marital status, number of children, occupation, education and country of orgin. But, did you know that by a little reading between the lines, you can also find the family stories? For instance:

My Great Great Aunt Frances Dillingham, married Galey Johnson in Caldwell County, Kentucky, August 1, 1845. I have their marriage bond. She wrote a message on it in her own hand, which I treasure.

Aunt Frances and her family moved to Christian County, MO by wagon train in 1846. Galey was a farmer and they lived a pleasant life and had four children there.

In the 1850 census, I could find no mention of Aunt Frances or her Daugher, Sarah Ann Johnson. I later found out that they were both killed in May, 1850 and buried in Blubaum Cemetery in Christian County. Galey then married an 18 year old girl and I speculate it was to care for his three children while he farmed.

What could have killed both Aunt Frances and Sarah Ann at the same time? I have researched the net for the possibility of a Cholera outbreak but, the only mention of it was in St. Louis in 1849. In a year or a few months was it possible that Cholera traveled and infected that rural area of Missouri? The other possibility was that they both died in some kind of fire or accident.

This story makes my research more meaningful. I can see what my family experienced, and from this, I feel closer to them in mind and heart. It is sad, but shows the kind of life they lived in that time of our history.

Is anyone aware of an oubreak of disease in 1850, Missouri?

Take care,

Linda K.

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