Genealogy Wise

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This is not an advert. It is a very kind entry which took up some time:  I hope it is of interest to a lot of readers. 

This site is the only one which has actually covered these two extremely important persons.  If one reads the or Devon Records, you get a totally wrong impression.  I note that Victor Cowling often mentions these names.  However in that era no records were kept except those of John Doidge.  Those more recent, are so distorted, they have no factual being.  

Victor Cowling was known to me as a young person and I have top insight to who was actually related to whom.  I notice the intelligence dossier of Lt. Dan Vousden of the Royal Guard.  Lt. Vousden in respected world-wide.  

Recently, in what was described as a truly superb piece of international investigation, he drew to the attention of the Canadians, the USA and UK Crown that he had uncovered data in relation to a British immigrant from the same Brentor, Devonshire, UK, of his name-sake, in Canada.  He and his brother Peter knew Victor Cowling and William R Doidge.  They say it’s a small world? 

What he also uncovered was truly mesmerizing!  It actually had strong connections to a current major Crown matter and Guildford.

 As an example of the era (even now).  I was brought up in a family of two brothers and two sisters and we all enjoy my father’s name on the Birth Certificates.  The problems?  Only one is even slightly bio-genetically related to myself.  We move as a happy (sometimes) group of brothers and sisters. 

In the early era’s food was hard to acquire; very few could afford a single child, and John Doidge (quite a wealthy miner) from Haycombe, Lamerton (later called Kelly House), and Lyd Valley House, took the children in.  My father did the same for my elder brothers and sisters in the wartime era.   They all came from high-end families, which proves that times were quite hard.  My father owned a Farm. 

Devon was an area of huge evacuation from London and Scotland during the war and although names are constant, a large number are not actually related to each other.

Elizabeth Woodman was actually the women referred to in history as “Victoria” of the Monarchy, my great, great grandmother.  The Monarch’s real name was not “Victoria”; it was a name given to her by her husband (She did not marry a German Prince called Albert.  She was already married into my family.  The Kaiser said there were no Princes in Germany! 

It was Elizabeth Woodman who gave John the semblance name of “Walter” in Devonshire, and “Walter Scott” in Scotland.  The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott, belonged to him, the family and their writers.  It was unlawfully removed from Lyd Valley House and taken to Balmoral in Scotland.  Source UK Crown Records.

 Even in Victorian era, in neither Scotland or England there were no other families with the name of Doidge.  The family was at one time referred to as the "Dogs" (after their Deer Hounds).  In early history they referred to themselves as "Us". 

It is a biblical family which is of the Albert Redvers Doidge K.G.O, Bio-Genetic line.   With the exception of one, none of the current other families called Doidge are actually Bio-Genetically related to this small family line.

Sir William said the name of Doidge was created from "Dog" at the same time as the bestowal of the Scottish family name of Doige.   Both families were Scottish in that era; origin Middle East.  The Family of Albert Redvers Doidge K.G.O were located in both the Perth, Callander, and Tweed Valley areas.  They were also enormously prominent in the Midlands and South West of England.

If you go to the London Office (link above or below), at the Site Map you will find a considerable amount of Crown Data under literature (Scott).  What will amaze you under the Home Page entries (About William Doidge) is the family is the Royal Family and they established the Monarchy in 1832.  They also assisted with its re-establishment in 1950.  On this basis I feel the historic content held by this family is historically unprecedented?

Sir William is Grand Advocate on the Constitution to the Crown of the United Kingdom. He enjoys transcendent education in the Constitutions of both Scotland and England.  He is most helpful on Constitutional and true historic matters.

He recently indicated that the records offices of the United Kingdom (in particular those of Devonshire and Scotland) were to be closed after massive indication of Embezzlement of Title to Land and Heritage.   The majority of records were poetic.  The true records of the era's /areas were available from the official London Records Office; the Law of the Land covered claim to ancestral rights.

Those of West Devon were cunning, had qualities usually associated with creative verse (poetry), especially in being gracefully expressive, romantically beautiful, or elevated and uplifting.  However they were an underhand attempt at ancestral rights.  All the UK Shire Counties, in fact England and Scotland were named by this family.

On this basis he could help anyone: -  Born in the area from the family of Sir Richard Doidge (see I have a keen interest in this name because of the embezzlement of thousands of acres of Land in the United Kingdom.  We also note the claim to ancestral rights in both the USA.  John Doidge was from Lamerton (born Scone in Scotland). He was the Grand Knight to Kaiser2 ("Wilhelm the Second").

The data on record is not truly correct and adoption leading to the given birth name is enormous.  Regrettably, it is now being used as a means to creation of false heritage.  In Tavistock, Devonshire, a most notable Chartered figure of times-gone-past, is actually recorded (1952) in the official Crown Records as a “squatter” of Burnville, Brentor.   It is the first recorded Identity Theft!   The mis-conveyance is mesmerizing; it even extends into the Forestry Commission.    

Ms. Cassel said it was not only nationwide under different guises; it was horrendous and at high-level in Scotland.  In an Official Statement the Crown gave notice that it had officially recovered all its Land.   The re-issue of new papers will bring the matters into a lawful state.  There may be no losers.

The issue is a common trait of the UK Monarchy (recently dissolved) and its adopted children. The issue is not the creation or transfer of the given name to the children, but this long and ongoing distortion. Devonshire is an area of huge wartime adoption and the confusion is now even worse.

My family holds the records of the UK Crown. It is a major problem in the UK and it has been a major problem to America.

"Drake" was a member of my family (The Royal Family) and he never sailed to America!  So there is no possible claim to Land in the USA from that great source. The claim of the former Monarch is false!

Sir Francis was the grandfather of John Doidge. "Drake'y" is a nick name (he imported the Muscovy ducks from Germany.  The name is a "Pet" name. 

Many years ago a most notable UK University historians said that there was no trace of such a person (Sir Francis Drake).  It was popular during that era to give "pet names"; possibly a period of the development of human humor?

In Spain Sir Francis Doidge from Scone (Scotland) and Buckland (Devonshire) was known as Ash-El-Tor (The Man who brought the Ash from the Tors of Devonshire). 

The Boat he used was named the "Mayflower".  It did not sail to America!  The Tory was believed to be the first.  The Golden Hind was built by Sir Richard Doidge; hence the "Spanish Armada" (an armada of Spanish vessels washed up in a huge gale which swept the country).  This was in 1688 and not 1588.

At the Royal Chambers at the www address in London on the Home Page, you will see About William Doidge. In the list of PDF View/Down you will note the Family Tree. This gives exacting detail of this Line and name which is traceable back prior to Biblical era.

The data is true and from the records of the UK Crown. It is known and accepted by even the late Pope John Paul. The date shows the biblical story to be 1000 years backdated. The date on the Calendar should be 1012.  The Tony Blair Millennium?  A commercial $draw; a thousand years too early!

The charming thing about the era is the name of the Lord's only son. Scott addressed the matter and said his name was "Jes"; the family called themselves "Us".  Hence "Jesus". The name of Jesus would not have been known in that period. The symbols are far too long. It is not a possible configuration of former "Hebrew".

Part of my Private education was in the former Hebrew symbol. Almost simile to Cantonese and Mandolin. It was the early biblical manner of communication. I have no trouble in translation of such matter into early Gaelic; onward into early Scottish Gaelic and forward into modern English.

It was I who translated the word Pharaoh from old Gaelic into modern English. Although the name is used to cover a very early (BC) family, the modern reference is reasonably current (Seventeenth century).  This is covered under Assay at the above Royal Chambers. See RFJ Gold which covers these eras.

Note. I have not charged for this information. I hope it has been useful to you and

William R Doidge K.G.O, K.G.O (Brit-Emp).

Secretarial note: William R. Doidge is quite famous for his riding of the great Stallion "Cruzer" on the early morning London Mall. He is the Grand Knight.

The great horse is famous on the Home Page of the Royal Bank

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Comment by William R Doidge on November 15, 2012 at 11:45am

I have added this Link to ftp for a View/Download PDF.  It is quite clean and on the server.

It is Home Page news on


Gop here for the latest (16th-11-2012) full PDF dossier:


The Crown of the United Kingdom holds many such files of data.  It is a very difficult subject and intelligence of the said Crown has observed extremes at high level to "obtain claim of blood line" via scientiifc labs.

See Contact at and also contact

Lt. Dan Vousden is at times available to help.  For United Kingdom Genealogy there would be no charge for this simple service.  Our knowledge covers England and Scotland and early Ireland.  True data goes back BC.



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