Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

looking for advice on becoming professional


I am Jake Fletcher, native of Massachusetts, 23 years old. My passion has been genealogy since I was about 17. Having completed my undergraduate education (history), my goal is to publish genealogical research and become a CG. I am looking for advice on the subject.

Thank you for helping me with my life's ambition and am happy to be a part of this amazing genealogy network.

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Comment by Jake Fletcher on February 9, 2015 at 12:57pm

which genealogy societies except research from freelance genealogists? i am interested in publishing and have experience in writing research from college

Comment by Jake Fletcher on February 4, 2015 at 9:28am

Hi Gena,

Much appreciated, thanks for taking the time to lead me in the right direction.


Comment by Gena Philibert Ortega on February 4, 2015 at 9:17am

Hi Jake!

Have you joined APG? a href=">" target="_blank">>;. You'll want to take advantage of their various educational opportunities including their print magazine, webinars, and conferences. Once you join APG, you might want to join the New England Chapter a href=">" target="_blank">>;. At those meetings you can get to know some professional genealogists who can give you advice and mentor you.

Many people find ProGen a great opportunity and helpful as they pursue professional genealogy including obtaining a CG. a href=">" target="_blank">>;

Make sure to join the Transitional Genealogists Mailing List if you haven't already. a href=">" target="_blank">;.

The National Institute for Genealogical Studies (the host of GenealogyWise) has a Professional Development Certificate with courses that may be of assistance to you such as picking a niche and writing. You can learn more at .

Good luck!



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