Genealogy Wise

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Sales Management

Marketing goes hand in hand with sales, as it provides a way to get the word out about your services and products, and a way to attract prospective clients. In a small business, however, the owner is often the only salesperson, marketing director, and grunt, along with everything else!  

Many small businesses lack a sales strategy. Periodically, you should review your sales strategy. Here is a list of some sales activities: 

     1. identify prospects

     2. prioritize leads

     3. make sales calls

     4. close sales

     5.determine the average dollar size per sale

Sales management means keeping track of these activities and how well you have done. Just like a budget, you should be projecting these figures and comparing them to actual results, ideally on a monthly basis. If you are not meeting your targets, look for reasons. Maybe you are not getting enough face-to-face meetings with prospects and need to learn to follow through on more leads.  

The lifeblood of any business is sales and sales management which is why we offer our "Business Skills: Business Administration" course to help you evaluate your sales strategies.   

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