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McCreary/McCrary/McCray/Family in Madison,Alabama

1870 United States Federal Census

William B.McCreary

William Blount McCreary


Age in 1870 (22)


Home in 1870:Township 5 Range 1,Madsion Alabama



Household Members:

William B.McCreary age 22

Mary Mccreary age 22

Francis McCreary age 18

Eda McCreary age 53

Albert Mccreary age 12

Elizabeth McCreary age 10


1880 United States Federal Census

Mary McCray

Mary McCrary

Home in 1880:Madsion,Alabama

Age :35

Estimated Birth Year:1845


Father's Birthplace:Alabama

Mother's Birthplace:Alabama


Marital Status:Married



Household Members:

John T. Lowery age 58

Elizabeth Lowery age 84

Samuel H. Lowery age 28

Mary McCrary age 35

James McCrary age 8

These are my sibilins and is wondering if any body no of them you can email me at

will be waitin for a reply?   Arline


Views: 133


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Comment by Lisa A. (Thamm) Spegal on February 27, 2011 at 8:05pm

Arline, we have NO PROOF this William's middle name is Blount. This is just a theory that it could be your ggrandfather IF Blount is his middle name, the rest matches at least to some degree. As for the 1880 with a Mary & son James, that may also NOT be his wife and son, we're still looking for them.

I just don't want you to be disappointed, if after claiming every one we find to be your family, we find out that they ARE NOT. Making assumptions like that without proof makes research so much harder as you are always taking two step back for each step forward and African American is challenging enough on its own.


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