Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Please read and pass this on to all you can.  

Papers books and data is headed to demise if we do not join together and act. I have contacted: NGS, NEHGS,, Genealogy Bank.  NGS is going to follow up.  Of course it is a weekend.

I asked for Permission it was granted please read data below.

Susi - certainly post wherever you can.  My intention, sending to the lists I subscribe to, was to reach many people who might be interested in saving old newspapers

Thanks - Chris

On 1/19/2014 4:39 PM, susi c Pentico wrote:

Chris may I put this on a my blog and can we get the word out to other groups. All NY Rootsweb lists and surrounding areas.  Actually all lists since we are scattered all over.

Susi Jones Pentico

On Jan 19, 2014, at 10:34 PM, Chris Connell wrote:

The Sunday 1-19-14 Albany Times Union has a feature story about the

at-risk trove of books and papers in the NYS Education Building.

Here's the link to the story:

Particularly disturbing is this:

/The weightiest challenge is what to do with 17,000 square feet of old

newspapers, including dozens from outside New York state. Many ceased

publication long ago. There is the Washington Globe, a semiweekly from

the 1830s, and the Washington National Observer from the 1850s. There

are stacks of defunct papers from 19th-century Boston, including the New

England Palladium, Boston Investigator, Boston Evening Gazette, New

England Galaxy and Boston Pearl./

/Limited storage and resources will result in jettisoning newspapers

from outside the state if they are unable to find libraries or archives

that will take them. Digitizing them is cost-prohibitive. Funding was

discontinued in 2007 for the New York State Newspaper Project, which

microfilmed more than 4.37 million pages from among 10,537 New York

state newspapers during 20 years by State Library employees./

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