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Notes and Information Shared at Saturday's Workshop. Susi Pentico

1 April 2017            Bonita-Sunnyside Library   Notes and Information


5 Generation Charts and Sharing of Information. By Susi Pentico


Much to my dismay, the computer system would not show up on the screen.  There fore, I started with what I was going to end with. Nor did we complete the helping of each other as intended but we did get names and places out there for us to think about.


Books mentioned:

  1. The Handy Book for Genealogists  by Everton Press, Inc.
  2. How to Do Everything Genealogy by George C. Morgan by McGraw Hill Pub.
  3. A Medical Miscellany for Genealogists by Dr. Jeanette L. Jerger by Heritage Books
  4. Pennsylvania Research Tips including Philadelphia by Fran Carter Walker
  5. New York Genealogical Research by George K Schweitzer, Ph.D., Sc.D.
  6. Handy Tips to Your Genealogical  Research in New York, Everton  Publishers
    1. Newspaper Indexes, A Location and Subject Guide for Researchers, by Anita Cheek Milner.


You will recall I stated you all need some basic books in your library for answering some questions.  We did not get into Sourcing but wanted everyone to be aware there are some good books to help you over the humps.


4. Represented one state but all states I have searched have a book similar to this one in information, and some states have several.

  1. Dr Schweitzer has had books printed for most eastern States.  Our library did have them on the shelf.  Very few books have the information compiled  and presented as he has to help beginners and advanced researchers.

6. This book because it has a Excellent Time Line of Events for NY. It also has some of the books in Everton’s Library to assist you listed . Some data is not found often any more. used to have much of it online but  since that group was taken over by another much data is gone.

7. This is one book, listed of data on Newspapers, there are others and I suggest you for a specific area to see if the information will show up.


Researcher’s Guide to American Genealogy by Val D. Greenwood is another staple one should acquire.


We did share with everyone where we are most stymied and need help. We

Also shared the surnames involved. I should have had Karen taking notes for each person’s names and places.


There were several that indicated same problems regarding boundary changes and time frames for brick wall’s.

When you are in the early years of country development the borders were very fluid. As Shirley Becker shared with many, New Jersey originally was part of New York.   I shared about Maine, and that region being part of Mass.

Virginia Territory took up to the Mississippi River and shrank as the vast land was developed back to today’s current boundaries with the last change happening during the Civil War. 


Borders and Boundaries in early years were fluid, you could go ten miles north & be in today’s Canada.  That border was more open for many years.

The same applied to other borders at one point.   State borders moved also and were not solid, until after the Civil War.  I know Tennessee and Georgia were discussing land in the last 20 years also but was tabled. (A Dam was involved.)


Websites presented or was, wanting to present. Time ran out once they got system up.

A new site for researching current people and deceased.

No one had seen this before.   used by many and makes a massive complicated tree.

Always has excellent Information for our use.

Here is a site I wanted to share with the South Eastern Researchers.    A division of this site


8 Genealogical Websites combined for access and fees.  Here are the site names: Georgia Pioneers, Kentucky Pioneers, North Carolina Pioneers, South Carolina Pioneers, Southeastern Genealogy, Virginia Pioneers, Genealogy-Books and GA Graduates .

You can see what each state offers for names, wills, land and other data on the blog pages. So when I purchased this group I knew there were answers waiting for me.  You have to see what they offer to enjoy the services. Seeing is free, accessing costs.  , the Catholic Heritage Archive.

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