Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network Announces: Archive Photography Announces:  Archive Photography

How to photograph oversize photos, curled documents, and heirloom treasures.


January 2, 2014, Carlsbad, CA.™, the leader in delivering vintage photograph information to genealogists and historians has released Archive Photography:  How to photograph oversize photos, curled doc....

Archive Photography is a detailed guide for genealogists and family historians to help them photograph and digitally archive their one-of-a-kind pictures, documents, and heirlooms. The book offers the simple and inexpensive processes to ensure that images of historical objects are preserved for future enjoyment, research, and history.

Important archival subjects covered are:

  • How to photograph very large or curved glass pictures.
  • Detailed procedures for uncurling documents with a humidification chamber.
  • Easy lighting and background tips for professional looking results.
  • Removing photos from vintage and magnetic albums.
  • Using smart phones and tablet for archive photography.
  • Recommendations for archival-safe storage.
  • The mysteries of archival standards and terms explained.

Written specifically as a Kindle eBook, Archive Photography includes an abundance of original photos, drawings, and detailed steps that guide the reader through capturing beautiful images of their treasures.  This book also takes advantage of eBook enhanced features by providing  links to sourced information, archival products, and equipment reviews that were illustrated, used and tested. 

Archive Photography is available from in Kindle format. Kindle books are readable on the iPad, mobile devices, personal computers with the Kindle app, and of course on Kindle tablets. During a 10-day promotion, the book is only $1.99 until January 6, 2014 when the Amazon price will be $4.99. The book is equivelant to 116 printed pages and contains over 80 original photographs and drawings.

About the Author

Gary Clark is a professional photographer, restorer, and genealogist who has merged these skills with his passion for collecting old photographs.  Archiving both his family treasures and accumulated photographs has been a continual project for over twenty years. With over thirty years of photography and graphics design experience, he has embraced the eBook revolution by bringing professional design and development skills to the process of writing eBooks. The books from his Illustrated Home Archivist series are all original works with an abundance of photographs and drawings to help educate the reader.

Contact:  Gary Clark

Details available at:         Archive Photography Web Page                                     



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