Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Making huge strides in my research lately. I have been able to knock down brick walls that have existed for 35 years...only to find there was another one behind it!

Pennsylvania has finally put death indices online and I was able to locate my missing great grandfather. Just waiting now for his actual certificate to come, assuring me that it really is him. I found what I think is my great grandmother also. The only CARGILL in the right time period with no first name, of course. We'll see when that certificate arrives too!

Now, I am contemplating putting some of my research online. I have a website already which I use for many other things but never my genealogy. This is something that I have always hesitated about since I see so many others take information and apply it to suit their own needs. Don't get me wrong, I want to share what I have done...I just don't want anyone to change it - you know, like sticking the square peg in a round hole - to make their own (usually unrelated) line fit into mine.

Let me know what you think!

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Comment by RJLTrudel-PLCGS on March 6, 2012 at 9:27am

.....I just don't want anyone to change it........That is exactly how I feel and a little slow on approving the new ways

After reviewing all aspects and benefits I will conform ..but in proper set of mind..when I feel a little more secure about it. Communicating on this site is my start and meet many good knowledgeable researchers. We will get there!


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