Genealogy Wise

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  Researching during the Summer

  Yes, it can be fun, or it can be stressful. If you get to go to a AC'd library it's super. If you set at home and have only fans not always greatly desired.

   I think weather affects our drive to do research.  Do you notice if weather affects your research?  Since I was  at the Seminar in Grand Rapids many things are made more aware than before.  It was an awesome program. I hope they do it again.  

   When I was clearing my closet I found that the very first Seminar I went to was a NGS Seminar in 1995. I found the T-shirt I  bought the first day.  Dad died that afternoon so I flew north and did not get to attend the rest of event. I learned of this as I went home to put my work uniform on.  Night shift.    I remember that Seminar because I was asking questions of my JONES Lineage to a certain group of people.  Finally a very  polite gentleman came to my rescue and gave me much information for me to work through.  To him I still say Thank YOU.  It paid off.

   Sad to learn they group never considered workers as pilgrims if they didn't go home.  Fortunately ALDEN  is accepted. He is Christopher JONES Jr's sisters boy.  As the world shrinks. Have learned others have since had success.

    So if the heat is bothersome, rethink what or where you are researching to get the most benefit from weather. 

     Many times as I learned in Grand Rapids distant kin can have the answers for the missing clues or the ancestors neighbors can do the same.  

     It made sense but we do not think of it often.  When a person dies, estate is broke up, different people get different things, The answer may be in another house other than the one you think of.  After all we still do this today.

  Just may have to rethink how one thinks to find the missing clues.

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