Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy Announces Jimmy B Parker Scholarship Recipient

The Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy is pleased to announce Patti Gillespie
as the winner of the Jimmy B. Parker Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy
scholarship for 2015. The competition was strong and many candidates
submitted worthy applications. The committee determined that Ms.
Gillespie's application exemplified the culture of giving back to the
community as demonstrated by Jimmy B.Parker.

Ms. Gillespie is the Virtual Professional Management Conference (PMC)
Coordinator for APG. She has resided in Wise County, Texas for the past
thirty years and was a founding member of the Wise County Genealogical
Society. She is a volunteer for numerous organizations and is committed to
giving back to the genealogical community.

Ms. Gillespie will be attending the course entitled “Diving Deeper into New
Debra A. Hoffman
Hoffman Genealogical Services
PO Box 755
New Windsor, Maryland 21776

APG Directory:
Twitter: @DebraAHoffman

*Attend the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy the 12th - 16th January 2015
and celebrate their 20th year by attending a great week-long course to
further your genealogy education! For more
a href="" target="_blank">>.*
The Transitional Genealogists List was created to provide a supportive environment for genealogists to learn best practices as they transition to professional level work. Please respect the kind intentions of this list.

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