Genealogy Wise

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Sarah Smith of New York city -1800's. "One in a million!"

Have been searching high and low for the last member of Thomas Smith- Mary Greene Smith (Fosbrook) family.

SARAH SMITH BORN ABOUT 1774. in New York, lived in New York City.

Her 5 siblings are: Thomas Robert Smith, Mary Greene Smith, Charlotte Clara Smith, Theophilus W. Smith and George Bridges Rodney Smith.

Have a fair amount of information on all of them, but nothing on Sarah Smith.

The brothers and sisters married into old New York families like Holly, Mott, Vermilyea, Rathbone and Rose.

Her sister, Charlotte Clara Rose's children married the Irwins of Pennsyvania and some relations married into the Tompkins family of New York.

Any information about her would be most welcome!!

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Comment by Stephen Clancy Reed on March 9, 2012 at 5:55am


Hello again Edna,

I wanted to correct a mistake on my last comment. I place Edwin Smith Sr. and Edwin Smith II backwards. Although they were both born in New York, Edwin Smith Sr. lived in New York and Edwin Smith II lived in Maryland. Edwin Smith II was working with the U.S. National Coast and Geodetic Survey, now called "NOAA" during the late 1800's and early 1900's and was one of the scientists to find the “Wobble” of the earth.

Stephen Reed

Comment by Stephen Clancy Reed on March 9, 2012 at 5:44am

Hello Edna,

My name is Stephen Reed. I have been working on my family tree for some time now. I have some good information and some dead ends.

"George Bridges Rodney Smith" was my Great-Great-Great-Great-grandfather, (he married Joanna Vermilya of New York). "Thomas Smith", (I believe was George's father) was my Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-grandfather. But I have no hard evidence that Thomas Smith really was George's father or anything before Thomas Smith. I was hoping you might have any information that would get me past this blockage of Thomas Smith, and maybe be able to help me find out more.

Stephen Reed, (Self-Maryland), Elizabeth, (Mother-Maryland), Anne Smith, (Grandmother-Maryland), Harold Smith, (Great-grandfather-Maryland), Edwin Smith Sr.,  (Great-Great-grandfather-Maryland), Edwin Smith II, (Great-Great-Great-grandfather-New York), George Bridges Rodney Smith, (Great-Great-Great-Great-grandfather-New York), Thomas Smith, (Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-grandfather-New York / England?)

Any information you may have would be greatly appreciated. I am looking forward to your reply.

Stephen Reed


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