Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Scottish Genealogy Research Opportunity

 With the popularity of the television show Who Do You Think You Are, more people are showing an interest in finding their roots. I am a genealogist, living in Ontario, with an expert in Scottish genealogy research. I offer 10 day trips to Scotland to allow people to access the records directly (as opposed to paying for services of a professional genealogist). I take groups to the repositories in Edinburgh (Scotland's People Centre, The Scottish Genealogy Society, The National Library of Scotland) and in Glasgow (The Mitchell Library - the largest Library in Europe with one full floor dedicated to genealogy research and now a second floor which houses the Genealogy Centre - a repository with full access to all of the records). In addition, I arrange speakers to help those in the tour better understand their scottish research and scottish ancestry. Being from Scotland, I think it is really important for those of British Heritage to gain a greater understanding of who they are as a person. As such, I take the groups to The Scottish Expericence Dinner Show and arrange a full Scottish Banquet in a small country castle on the outskirts of Edinburgh for the final night. There is time for people to travel to the part of Scotland where their ancestors lived. This is not included in the tour price, but I will make all of the arrangements for the individuals as requested. Groups of 5 or more qualify for a $100 per person discount.

My newsletter and brochure can be viewed from my website:

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