Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Scrapbooking: Something all family members will like

I have been gathering and planning out a scrapbook project to go long with my genealogy / history project. Scrapbook projects do take time and if you do not catch some really great sales they can be costly. The up side is that family members that might not want to look at data and plain charts might really like to see your handy work. There are also some really cool things that I have found to aid in the creative side of this project. Here are some really great examples of things you can find along the way.


Journal those great family stories on this page. Its great looking and adds a sweet touch to that project to share with family. You can add a picture or maybe some embellishments to add something to the look.


Pedigree charts are made with a touch of time gone by. Another great find that I have really loved lately. There are also some spaces here to add your own touch with,


Family Groups sheets can also spice up the information. They have places for pictures and the stats on family members right not the page.


There are a number of fun things out there for building the perfect project for sharing with your family. The above picture is just a small group of things that you can choose from. There are also  frames, journal pages, many kinds of embellishments and stickers that I have not even touched on. For more information on Scrapbooking you can find a lot of free tips on You Tube and through out the internet.


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Comment by Daniel Johnson on January 2, 2011 at 10:19am
These all come from KCompany. The first two pages are from the line they did. You can get those at Michael's Arts and
Crafts in the open stock paper
Comment by Stacye Mehard on January 2, 2011 at 7:57am
Is this a Scrapebook kit you made up yourself??  I like the charts.


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