Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Greetings one and all,

Since my computer still not working correctly I thought I would add my Season's Greetings to ye all at this time.

Family is visiting and medical things happening with family. Time is limited and it makes me remember to be thankful
for all that we have. We are blessed with a roof over our head, food to eat and clothes to wear. We also have a vehicle for transportation and some of the greatest friends and family in the world.

Reminicing at Starbucks as I relaxed while daughter had medical tests today, I am so thankful for the friends we have met over the years in our community; The friends we met during the military traveling; The family that has always supported us and the family and kin we have met since I started genealogy because of a medical condition with our first new born in 1960.

One should really do a medical genealogy chart for your children and their children. A surgeon general once suggested it long ago. I wonder how much quicker some things would be solved and how much illness we could prevent, I bet lots.

So we are truly thankful for what we have and where we are at. MY prayer is that family will be well soon and
so will friends.

I am so thankful that young men/women do what my husband did to help keep our country free. Also the older ones that came back and rejoined also.

Since November is a month of thanks I am hoping we start this season out with a thought of thanks each day, and especially to God for HE made it happen.

Blessed Merry Christmas and enjoy the season just remember the REASON.

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