Genealogy Wise

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Sentimental Sunday,,, Blogs, and Time and Distance



   It is truly a Sentimental  Sunday, we lost a very dear friend yesterday. He has gone to a better place I am sure.

 It hurts so bad it is hard to speak of him even. He was so ready to move on with his adventures. His time here was so very, very long. Our daughter will miss her adopted Grandfather in ways I can yet to even begin to fathom. 

This man even affect the grandchildren of our children. I received a call from Upland today to say to his Grandfather," we are so sorry he is gone, He was such a good man".  


To the family that lost him our hearts go out to you. To the family that deserted him you have no idea how much you missed. 


  In Genealogy we just had this major discussion, "What is a Family" and how do you define it in todays terms?

I can not recall a recent family that does not have (Extended) family in their tree. Many blogs had comments and expressed concern for documentation.  Dick Eastman's comments were some of the best. 


       Sometimes people come  into our lives that become closer in bond than any line of blood could ever create.

The Indians have a name for it. Most cultures if I dug up data would probably say the same. Soul mates, via  brother or sister or what ever the nature may be. It applies to more than husband and wife. 


I find in my own family many double cousins and 2nd cousins are many times closer than 1st cousins. Is it the effort we make or the genetic make up of our beings that create a pull to one  verses another.  Indians have lots to say about this.


Having been married 52 years to the same man, raising five children, assisted with the raising of many more, and helping in raising and guiding the grandchildren, our family has become varied and extended.


  We are now blessed with a Great Grand child. When our first Grandson came along we were able to do a 5 generation picture on both sides.  We can only do four on this great Grandson since all parents on our side are gone.

Do not know enough about the other yet to know if they can. 


The Grandson can only do 4 generations also due to loss of his Grandparent's parents some years back.


Back to the loss, we lived far from our families for years(military) and so my children learned to love and help and assist the neighbors as they grew up and developed a deep bond to this family. We lost her a few years ago, and he moved to his daughters home to finish out his life, after her death. 


We were neighbors since 12 Nov 1970.  Rest In Peace 

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