Genealogy Wise

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I’m often not sure what the age range of my readership is, but probably most of you are not too young to remember the old-style accordion photo wallets that people (primarily grandmothers) used to keep in their purses before the advent of digital devices that not only make phone calls, but serve as virtual luggage for all of our digital data, including photos.

A photo wallet is a sleeve of connected plastic photo cases that usually fold up in an accordion fashion upon themselves. Sometimes they slide into a leather sleeve, sometimes, as exampled by the photo I have here, they fold into a metal wallet or compact that then slips into your pocket or purse. I’m sure men didn’t carry these around so it was probably the latter. I’ve searched in vain on Google to find some additional images of these. I’m not sure why they’ve disappeared but I distinctly remember them from my youth.

My grandmother had several of these in her purse, or as she called it then, her pocketbook. When she would meet someone for the first time, she would whip one out to share photos of her grandchildren with her new friend. I wish I had some video of this because it was a movement that was almost like a ballet, it was so smooth and choreographed.

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