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Now back to the (now the fun begins) for the other lineage.
Ida's grandmother Katherine Myers b 1845-1922 mother was Sarah Elizabeth (Jane) FOULK daughter of Peter SR and Catherine FOULK.  Peter Jr and Sarah (Jane) were brother and sister.
Katherine MYERS father was  John MYERS b ??  Dauphin Co PA his father was Valentine MYERS
Valentine's father was Philip Myers; (MOYER)  Philips father was Valentine MOYER (MYERS) 
This is the data I have  located so far:  
#3Johann Valentine Meyer Sr  b 27 May 1731 Oberhochstadt
reformed KB Germany@14  { wife #2 Margaret Barbara Werler} children
wife Maria Christina #1   mother of 
#4 Phillip Meyer b 1737 son of Valentine & Maria Christina marries
Maria Catherine UNRUH  daughter of Valentine b1710 and Maria Catherine UNRUH mentions  the gchildren in his WILL
son Valentine b 1762  m Catherine JONES (More data on her family in my files. Her grandfathers                home was still standing 10 years ago.SP)
Valentine dies in Dauphin Co. PA 1823  have papers
John is born 1793-1809 depends on data.  One is church one is written data in bible at time John dies in La Salle Co. ILL area.  He did not live there long before he passed was a few years.
Going back: this is Katherine MYERS father b 1845 Rye Township Perry Co PA. died 7 June 1922 Blackhawk Co IA Cedar Township.  age 77
I have nothing of value on Susannah or Susan SHOWALTER b 1805 other than family said she was adopted and raised by Showalter but that does not mean she wasn't a Showalter. In those times family raised families children. 
 I have the Indian lineage of Esther Thomas,the Indian lineage back to Chief of tribe. Her father adopted the Womans name and left his and they moved from where they lived to start knew.

I had hoped to reopen my old PAF files and recover data but now I am starting anew.
Victoria Mae (Ida FOULK JONES) spouse
JONES, Carl Fremont born IA died WYO father Calvin F Jones born Rensselaer Co NY 1843   died IOWA m Hannah Young b Ill  m in IOWA fathers line from Abraham YOUNG JR and Abraham YOUNG SR Maine. 

father NOYES JONES b 1809 Rensselaer Co NY died IA married
MADISON, Susan  24 mar 1818  MASS or VT boundary confusion.
Father was a MATTISON according to sources so far found.  

Noyes JONES father was NOEL JONES m to Susannah  (?) JONES and had NOYES 1809 in court records. Petersburg, NY
We are missing NOEL JONES father but we have proof we are from SILAS JONES already.

{Ancestor is Silas and Susannah SWEET JONES to Teague JONES and Rahamana ( dau of Chief ) son of Christopher JONES son of Christopher JONES SR.}
Silas JONES b 1721 Rhode Island  m to Susanna Sweet May 1724. Her line on Shirley Becker's  Plain Sweet     file on

 Seth JONES  father of Silas JONES wife was Priscilla Hamilton   or  variant of HAMBLIN.

Josiah JONES b 5 Mar 1656 Yarmouth MASS m Elizabeth Berry daughter of

 Richard Berry  and Alice.

Richard fought Narragansett  Indians with Teague.  


Appreciate anyone who wishes to help fund the search for the missing father.  Or do the research. :>)
Susi JONES Pentico

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