Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

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OK folks, here's the first update for my New Year's Resolution Concepts.

Resolution Concepts 1.    Do less.

Pretty easy one here, since I haven't posted a blog in several days! (grin) And my twitter-time is reduced by choice as well. This is because of high-priority items.

2.    Do more.

I'm on the 2nd full draft of a 56 page technical report for my employer. The report was overdue, but by placing it 1st on the stack and reducing time on other projects I'm (almost) on-target for the final draft deadline. Since that is where my paycheck comes from, it's a top-slot item until finished. So I am doing more, but in a more restricted area. (It keeps the paychecks coming!) 3.    Do nothing.

Except for sleep and a limited amount of time on-line, I'm falling a little behind on this one. But a 15-30 minute "me-session" at night for unencumbered thinking  keeps creativity flowing. No complaints there. 4.    Do it now.

See item 2. That is a "now" priority and keeping on-target is immensely satisfying. 5.    Do for others.

I have found myself in the awkward position of helping take care of my ex-wife (!) who is bravely fighting cancer. Her "other significant other" died 2 years ago and she has no one locally but our son, his wife, and me to help take care of her. Sitting with her also allows my son and daughter-in-law a chance to 'get out' once or twice a week which is a real sanity-saver for any caregiver.

6.    Do for myself.

I guess I'm being a caregiver  for myself as well. The divorce was a totally nasty affair and, although there is probably enough blame to go around, I take full responsibility for the marriage falling apart. 7.    Do it in order.

Very much on target there. Work first, caregiving after work a few days each week, some time for myself. 8.    Do the math.

Placing all these activities and responsibilities on paper was easier than I imagined. It has helped make all the other activities possible.


The genealogy research has slammed to a complete halt (talk about a brick wall!!!). But that is a lower priority at this time. I regret that I haven't been able to post more on this blog, but I think you understand the situation.


This situation has given me a new set of ideas to write about. The next several posts, though aimed primarily at Genealogists, will find application to almost everyone. (Hint, stay tuned!)

Now, I need your comments!

If you have been in a caregiver situation, especially an awkward one like mine, I would love to hear from you! Being brutally honest with my situation and placing it in this blog for the world to read has been the biggest challenge faced so far this year. It feels both unsettling and cleansing at the same time. Thanks for reading.



P.S. Just noticed this is my 13th post, made on the 13th of January (Friday the 13th, even!)

Now, will I be doubly-lucky, or am I in serious trouble?

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