Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

The Three Dynamics of Personal Histories

Since October is Family History Month, I was already thinking about this subject for a new blog article when a Canadian writer and film producer named Robb Lucy asked that I make a contribution to his new book. Scheduled for publication in the Spring of 2009, it is tentatively titled “Legacies aren’t for dead people – It’s about creating and really enjoying yours… now!”

Robb wanted to get additional perspectives on this specialized form of storytelling from other professional biographers, videographers and members of the Association of Personal Historians.

In helping so many people create personal and family histories over the years, I have observed that the process typically produces three distinct benefits for the people involved. These I call The Dynamics of Personal Histories.

1. Connection
When reviewing and assessing a lifetime of memories, people begin to connect or reconnect with their roots and their core values. Instead of focusing on all the things they may have failed to do, they begin reflecting on all the things they did accomplish and how their lives have had a positive impact on so many others. This realization helps them connect to their family of origin, their childhood, their past. It serves as a reminder that they have done some good things along the way and in the process, it improves their sense of self-worth.

2. Recognition
Most all biographies involve family members and the bonds that tie them together.

Read the complete article here...>

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