Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

TNGenWeb Research Challenge Springtime Giveaway

The TNGenWeb is currently having a Springtime Research Challenge and we invite all interested parties to help us out. In 1913, a postcard was mailed from Nolensville, Tennessee to Sanger, California. We’d love to get this postcard back into the hands of the family and would love your help in doing so!

The postcard has a picture of camels harnessed to an International Harvester trashing machine in Russia. It is addressed to a Mrs. Hiram Bare of Sanger, California. The transcription (as best we can tell), is as follows:
Dear Aunt Addie,
Just a line to tell you that pa died at 1:40 a.m. Friday morning and was laid to rest at Saturday afternoon beside dear mother in the little spot selected by them here at home. We feel the loss so keenly now that all have gone and left us. Fannie (sp) stood it well and is able to be up. I will try to write you a letter in a few days. Lovingly, Daisy J.


  1. Identify all the people named on/in the postcard.
  2. Find contact information for a living family member that may be interested in having this postcard.
  3. Send an email to Your email should provide biographical details of all the people referenced in/by the postcard, your research process to identify a living family member, and what resources you used.


  1. Entries are due by May 1st.
  2. Now, here at the TNGenweb, we are all about providing FREE genealogical information. So, in light of that, you can only use FREELY available resources to search. No subscription or paid resources allowed
  3. Also, please do not contact a family member yourself; it will be less intrusive for them if they were contacted by only one individual. We will coordinate that process here in the TNGenWeb.


Everyone who submits information on a living family member will be entered into a drawing to get a free TNGenWeb drinking mug. We will be giving away 2 mugs.

We will host a Google Hangout over in our TNGenWeb Google+ Community in mid-May to share the the path the winners and other researchers took to find the information. More details will be forthcoming about that so stay tuned.

I can’t wait to see what we all find! Let’s get this postcard back into the hands of the family.

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