Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

On 8 November 2023, Angela Breidenbach, Executive Director, hosted an updated orientation on our new website.

Angela gave a tour of the new site and explained its various features. She demonstrated how to make changes to your profile page, access your courses and grades and an overview of the store.

The orientation has been recorded and is available on our YouTube channel:

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Comment by Dee Spencer on September 10, 2024 at 8:08am

Just some feedback on your new policies.  Sorry, but it isn’t positive.  I joined a few years ago.  Only published one post.  I do not remember it going through an approval process, and if it did it was much quicker.  It also was much easier to add and format photos, but I admit that could have been because I was on my laptop then.  Laptop has since died and all I have available is my phone.  Because I am on a phone I didn’t notice a typo, where I put if instead of of in my latest post.  So I patiently waited for the post to be approved, so that I could fix ONE LETTER.  Did that this morning and now!?!  My blog post is back to “awaiting approval”!!! I changed ONE LETTER!!!  I had already shared it to my Facebook page, but now it is not accessible because it’s awaiting approval!!!  Go ONE LETTER!!!  I am planning on using the comment section to add photos and links to sources and for more information.  I don’t know if comments are going to have to go through this same process.  But it is very cumbersome.  I am sure you reserve the right to remove inappropriate content anyway, so to me, it seems like you could just allow the posts then remove anything objectionable.  Meanwhile here I sit, waiting to be able to add comments with source links and photos, which I can’t do because I corrected ONE LETTER!!!


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