Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

I have been doing genealogy research with my grandmother and parents for years. The research has been handed down over a couple of generations. I want to get as much done as possible so when it is time to pass it along to my children all they have to do is update it with their spouses and children.

Wouldn't that be great if you had to provide your genealogy back 5 or 6 generations before you could get married? It would at least let you know if you were getting ready to marry a grandchild of a mass-murderer or maybe a famous person. I would venture to say a majority of the time, a person would at least know back to their grandparents. If nothing more than a name and possible birthplace. The rest is generally not to hard to find in this digital age.

I digress, so let me get back to why I think GenealogyWise is such a good idea - or even a awesome idea. The reason I beieve it is so good is that Facebook and Twitter have become global successes based on addiction. That is right, ADDICTION! I should know because before this week I was spending 8-10 hours a day checking on Facebook. If people got hooked on something like GenealogyWise like Facebook and Twitter, would there not be an even bigger explosion of genealogy research?!

Over the past couple of years I have found more blogs, websites, and magizines than I thought would ever exist. I have even seen a couple of software applications gain more exposure. The United States Government has even jumped on the bandwagon with the digital National Archives Project.

So here is to hoping that GenealogyWise makes an impact in the genealogy community. How big the splash will be depends on how well family historians get behind the project.

Cheers and Best Wishes!

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