Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Sounds like a stupid question to some people, but for years I wondered about the people in my past who made me the person I am today. Of course certain events and things in life will make you and mold you into who you are, but I need to know about my ancestors. Who were they? Where did they live? What did they do? What did they look like? Do I look like any of them? Do I get my kind heart from one of them or my temperament from someone else? I started researching my family tree about 15 years ago or longer but I stopped for various reasons. Now I have lots of new questions about my family and my new husband's family so once again I am on the hunt for information. Questions about my grandma's older brother...was his death an accident or was he killed as I had heard the adults say when I was a kid. And what about granny's real dad...what was he like? Why didn't he marry my great grandma before he died at such a young age when it's been told he loved her and the children with all his heart? And what about my husband's great great grandfather...why can't I find information on him between the age of 19 and 44? I am hoping by some small chance that someone on here will be the person that holds the answer to something I'm looking for. If that person is you, please help me find out just who I am!

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Comment by Cindy Neely on July 20, 2009 at 5:38pm
Thank you Renee!!!! I know I'm going to need your help. I have so many unanswered questions and I'm trying to stay on track and find the answers one at a time. I work 2nd shift so I try to do all my research early in the morning or on the weekends and also make time for my new hubby. Thank you so much Renee!
Comment by Renee Kerr on July 20, 2009 at 2:25pm
would love to hlep you find info
Comment by Cindy Neely on July 19, 2009 at 10:12pm
Thank you so much! I am so excited about finding some of the answers I'm looking for. The day we found my granny's real father's grave I stood there and cried...feeling such a great loss, grieving because my granny never knew him (she was born 5 months after he died) and thinking about how different my granny's life would have been if only he had lived. I'm not afraid of any skeletons I'll find. I'm just proud to be who I am and I owe it all to the ancestors who gave me life.
Comment by Unknown Ancestor on July 19, 2009 at 9:21pm
Sounds like you have a sincere desire to discover both family history and personal history, which I've been trying to foster on GenyWise. And skeletons too, which I've addressed.
For some of the more dificult questions you have, the county courthouse is the place to start. Also, the Family History Library is gathering from courthouses many of the documents you need:
coroner's inquests, court dockets, divorce files, newspapers, etc.

Good hunting!


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