Genealogy Wise

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"Who the Feck do you think you are?" is the title of a blog I have been thinking of running on researching our family history for a few months now, and today is the day I get it started!

The Foundation Legend

Three brothers came from Kildare - varis names given, and built three houses beside each other... two died childless, and the third inherited the two plots, giving a decent plot of land before the great famine, and setting the family up to be just that bit more prosperous than their neighbours.

Six or seven generations passed until my father sold the family farm, and moved from Longford. A year and a half ago, I bought a cottage and was in the process of moving back to Longford... and then a fire struck. So the Exodus is delayed!

Thats a breif synoipsis of my fathers family CARTY.

To come...

A soldier of fortune, from a line of soldiers, the TOM REILLY story on my mothers side...

While you are waiting...

A family legend, Ive to find out was the mill a REILLY, DONOHOE or a TREACY mill

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