Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

WORDLESS WEDNESDAY took place on my
blog spot.

My day has been anything but wordless. Except when Randy S was given his Vacation presentation at the Library for the society. BTW, Randy that was a really nicely done job. You were able to show that if one's mind is set right one can do genealogy and enjoy family and have a great vacation all rolled into one. BRAVO.

Your tips were right on top and the format and method was easy to understand.

Today I went to a School Site Council Meeting for a local district and was amazed to learn some things that were not known by the attendees. It was a good meeting and data was shared and crossed referenced and people were not afraid to speak up about rumors. I do not understand why the bull was not taken by the horns way back when and this been made an exemplary program for the country to see. We, as people work hard to make this a great school and district, so why is it so hidden, few can see it or really know what is happening with in their very boundaries.

School is important to our children and to our future and to our research and genealogy. Can you imagine what life will be like 20 years down the road if:::::: students do not master math, students do not master reading and speaking English, or if students do not re learn their own self worth and self esteem. Students are our future, As we were our grandparents future.

My Uncle said before he passed he lived a special life time. Does one know why? All people born in this time bracket have enjoyed the ability of the same. He was horse and wagon and then there was automobiles, then airplanes, then jets, then rockets to the Moon then space craft to orbit in space and probes sent dancing off into the twilight to see what else is out there. There was talking, telegraphs, telephones, computers, cell phones and all the newer equipment of today.

Who would have dreamt that a phone could play music, keep your daily commitments, keep you in touch with those whom you need to (which is what the phone was created for.)

Today the computer is advanced to laptops, note books , drives and other new gadgets I read of this past week.

So our students need to be on their toes and ready to face the new challenges coming at them. I wish we could
have parents give them more understanding of self worth and self esteem. You are what you want to be.
You have the ability to set what ever goals and achieve them, by yourself or with help from others.
Alas Rome was not built in a day and many of todays youth are already living in tomorrow and the next day and not enjoying the fruits of this very day, this very minute.

As parents and grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins and friends do you remind them and your self to enjoy the sunset, the sunrise, the falling leaves and their mixed colors, the blowing wind and what it creates, the hot sun baked days that make you wish for a cooler breeze. They are all moments in our times and if we do not see these
moments we won't see the bigger ones when they are in front of us. Stop and smell a rose, pat a dogs head, speak to a person whose a neighbor you have not done before.

So the future historian may be a basketball player, a science major, a drummer or a math whiz. To get there
they need to know we care. They need to drawn in to be a part of life. We can only surmise what the next 80 years will bring. I was ready for jet packs in the 60's which many thought we would see by the 90's and we are yet to see
them. Yet they were created they worked and they were shelved.

What about the electro magnet cars that we were to have 40 years ago. Is that where this gas situation is finally going to take us. Will our students of today resolve this situations and we bound forward and out in to the
galaxy? Only in the future years will those know if these things may happen.

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