Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

OK, I'll jump in and ask one of those questions that I can't seem to find the answer for -- In the Library Catalog, after I've found my location, chosen the film and click on its title, under the title and author boxes, in the Notes box, the following sentence shows up in red " This is a preliminary description provided to allow immediate microfilm access." What does that mean? Here's a link to an example in Trencin, Slovakia church records -

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I took a look at it, and although I don't know for sure, it appears to be exactly what it says. My thoughts and conclusions:
- the date of the filming is 2006, making it a rather new filming
- because it is new, no one has fully examined the records to provide a detailed description of the contents. This would be made more difficult due to the language the records are in.
- the item is placed in the catalog as soon as possible in order to provide access, but due to the above, the description may not be complete

In other words, it's a 'use it if you want', but the description may be somewhat inaccurate or incomplete.

Hope this makes some sense.

When the record is digitized or indexed and on-line this link will take you to the actual record instead of the microfilm number. FamilySearch is working with GenSeek on Family History Catalog 2.0 which will link to other digital sources.
Michael, does that mean that when the much anticipated go-live of GenSeek & Family Search happens, the film will be online & viewable, and linked to the catalog that way?



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