Genealogy Wise

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If you are researching or interested in Morgan Co., IN genealogically, please post your queries, family information, any resources you'd like to share and anything else that you feel is applicable to Morgan Co. here. If you would prefer that your post be viewed by the whole group, post it to the Comment Wall and not here (please don't double post to both places), just keep in mind that posts in the Comment Wall will quickly be buried by new posts...

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I am researching the McGown, McGowen or McGowan family. Father and Mother were John McGown and Melinda Thomas McGown/ Their children were Greenberry (Greenbury), Thomas, James M., Andrew J., Sarah, Polly, and Elizabeth.
Glenda- What time period are you looking for? I live in Morgan Co. and in the next couple of weeks I can check the local library and tell you what is available.
What township? Town, Mooresville, Martinsville, Monrovia, Morgantown?
The local library is not extensive, but the do have some good records, perhaps they have a vertical file on your surnames.
John and Melinda's Children were born in the 1830's/ I think they married in 1830 in Ky but moved to Indiana. Some of them were buried at Mahalaville. Not for sure where John and Melinda are buried. Martinville sounds familiar/ I think one of the sons may have lived there or around there. They were farmers as far as I know. I am stuck on John. I think he was born in Tn but don't know his parents or siblings. I think Melinda was born in Ky.

These I just know who they married not when or their children
Thomas M Fannie
Elizabeth m John B Davis
Don't know who Polly married
Don't know who Sarah Married
I do know who Greenberry's children were
I know who Andrew J children were..He moved to Missouri
James m Nancy A Marin & I think I have all their children
Give me a couple of weeks and I will look.
Thank you.
I got a chance and found some information. In the Library is a vertical file for McGowan. This file had some correspondance from other request. It had notes that stated John T McGowan was born in Ireland in1762 and came to the US with his father Samuel (born 1730 in Ireland, no death date given) in 1767. John died in July 1844. I saw NO record for his tombstone. It had some notes that John may have been in the War of 1812 and his father was in the Rev. War. There was NO documents to verify these statements. The Morgan Co., Public Library can send you a copy if the file. Here is their web address.
You will have to make the request yourself.
You will also want to request the early marriage records there are several McGowans in those indexes.
Morgan County Marriages 1822-1842, 1841-1850, and 1850-1920.
I saw no Wills filed for McGowen.
There is a cemetery Index available on line at the Genealogy and History website, here is their address,
The very early records for Morgan County are very slim. I have family come here from NC in 1830 and there is very little information on them. However, through censes records I know that they were here. The tax records start in 1842 (I think). I have never found obitaries for all of them and it was only through tax record that I was able to determine that one had died in 1873.
I hope this helps you in your search.
I am sorry I was so late in replying. Thanks for the info. My husband has been ill and in the hospital so I haven't been on the internet much. I appreciate your help.
My primary line is Crayton who lived in Mooresville, allied lines are Donovan, Rusie and Carlisle.



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