Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Does anyone have useful research sites for Missouri genealogy research?

I will add to the list below as suggestions are made in the discussion thread so that you don't have to read through the discussion to find all the links.

Genealogical/Historical Societies

Missouri State Genealogical Society
State Historical Society of Missouri

Barry County
Butler County
Camden County
Central Missouri (Boone County)
Grundy County
Jackson County
Joplin (Jasper County)
Lincoln County
Mine Au Breton
Moniteau County
Monroe County
Nodaway County
Platte County
Ray County
St. Charles County
St. Louis
Stone County
Washington (Franklin County)
Webster County

General Resources

These resources aren't focused on Missouri, but are excellent resources for genealogy research in general

Ancestry (subscription)
Footnote (subscription)
GenealogyBank (subscription)
FindAGrave (free)
RAOGK (free)
FamilySearch (free)
Ellis Island (free)
Castle Garden (free)

Views: 554

Replies to This Discussion

Springfield-Greene County Library, Digitized Collections:

Very good for Springfield & the Ozarks; Turnbo Collection and Regional Periodicals are particularly useful;
That's an excellent link! I noticed under Greene County Records it has an index to Divorce records from 1837-1950!
Hi John :)

Could you tell me why Hickory County has so little info on the web? That is the county of my grandfather's birth.

Jeannie Rathbone :)
When a county doesn't have a genealogy or historical society on the web, I look for a local government website, which Hickory does have.

It's population of approximately 9,000, and its movement towards becoming a retirement community, may have something to do with their lack of internet resources. (source)

I've added a few links above to the USGenWeb, AccessGenealogy, GenealogyTrails, and GenForum sites for Missouri, and they do have some information for the smaller counties.
Catholic Cemeteries of the Archdiocese of St. Louis: This site is very helpful if ancester was Roman Catholic and buried in St. Louis, MO. You can use exact and soundex. Click on the LOT section and will show other buried in same lot if not pauper section.
Missouri Digital Heritage : Death Records Certificates (1910-1958) I have obtained several digital copies of death certificates for my family from this site.
It is definitely a valuable resource, and is included in Missouri Digital Heritage's list of Genealogy Resources
A page listing many links to Missouri family genealogy sites.
Harrison Co., Missouri GenWeb page
Gentry Co., Missouri GenWeb page
The history of neighborhoods in the city of St. Louis.

This is good if you have ancestors in St. Louis and want to know more about the area where they lived.
This is helpful if you want photos of gravestones people will go get them for you.
If you want a lot of great St. Louis info, type in St. Louis Genealogy into google and you will get tons of great sites. and info.



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