Do I have enough proof?
My cousins, born and raised in South Carolina, have told me
that our great grandmother, nick-named Calou & Granomie (sp?), had the surname of Scott.
My Aunt Sayde told me that her grandmother's name was Mary Lou Curry.
The cousins were winning the debate because they lived closest to the source. Aunt Sayde, I should add, moved from SC in the early 1920s to New York as a child and probably never saw Calou again. So who does one trust?
Consider this death certificate:

It states that my cousins' father, Jadie Hancock or J.D., is the informant on his father's DC. He gives his grandmother's name as Louisa Curry. Somehow his children think her last name is Scott. Jadie is about 22 years old at the time of the event (1922). He would live to about 1976. At that time his children would be 46, 44, 36, 35, 33, and 25 respectively. Calou died in 1945.
Besides the DC, I do have the 1870 census record corroborating on the Curry surname.

At our recent Hancock reunion, I mentioned this during my presentation, but as yet haven't received acknowledgment or refutation on this issue from my cousins. Do I have enough proof?
Can I now begin to explore my Curry ancestors?