Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

With the explosion of new apps for the iPhone/iTouch, I am amazed that I have been unable to find genealogy-related apps in the Apple iTunes Store, other than one titled Bible Genealogy which relates names in the Bible (not quite what I'm looking for).

Any suggestions for titles?

If there are none, any suggestions for apps that you would liek to see developed create?

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Having posted this, I continued to listen to an older Genealogy Guys Podcast and discovered a few other terms to search on in iTunes. I searched for "gedcom" and found the following titles in the iTunes Store:

Probably more, but I'll keep searching
Gary, I bought the Reunion apps since I own a Mac and put my genealogy research on Reunion and now can carry my research on the ipod touch.

Also, lots of good information and the latest technology is in Dick Eastman's online newsletter, it's worth paying the $20 or so for the year's subscription.
Gary, the latest edition of the magazine, Internet genealogy, has an article called "8 Great Apps for Genealogists." Actually, there are about 12 apps listed. The magazine is the August/September issue; it is published in Canada and is a great magazine! A couple are,,
Have you checked out this one?

I use MacFamily Tree and absolutely love it. I just got an iPhone but haven't downloaded this as of yet. Maybe I will. I don't know that I need to have the information with me 24/7.

Anyway, you might check this out.



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