Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Here's another question to ponder...

When you finally get a new clue, new maiden name, or break down a huge brick wall, what do you with your new information?

Where do you go?

I try to Google first, but sometimes I default to Ancestry if I am just looking for census/military info.
If I want the 1900 census, I try to remember to go to the Family Search Pilot Site, I like their search engine better than Ancestry's.
I sometimes will go to FamilySearch to look at the IGI, if they happen to have died in NY, I'll check IGG the Italian Gen site.
Usually I will go to Rootsweb World Connect at some point if I want to see if they are in a family tree.

so...what is your plan of attack?

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First, I do the happy dance. Then I usually enter it into my database and go to bed, because most of my breakthrough moments seem to come at obscenely late hours.

Seriously, though, the next source I check depends on what I found. As you said, the FamilySearch Pilot site is great for the 1900 census and some UK vital records. I've been using HeritageQuest (free through my library) if I want to check other censuses.

I'm not familiar with the IGG (Italian Gen?) site. You said you use it for NY deaths? What is it?

This is the link for the Italian Genealogy Group:

There is also the German Genealogy Group:

But they have records for all nationalities in their genealogy databases.
Thanks Kate!
Kathleen, we must be related. I also find most of my breakthroughs in the early hours before dawn, when my eyes can barely focus and my mind is pure mush. The two minutes it takes me to turn the covers down and slid silently into bed so my DH doesn’t know what little time I have left before needing to awake, I start thinking about my plan of attach.

I don’t have any set way I look. Depending upon the year, the area, the family dynamics (were they all over or in one area) will dictate where I look next. Of course if it’s a really BIG breakthrough, I usually skip the bed and keep researching until the adrenaline runs out and I crash and burn.
I know what you mean, CaryAnn. I have to get up for work tomorrow - I'm telling myself to turn off the computer and go to bed right now.... but I know myself better.

I tend to go in spurts, though. Right now I'm doing a lot of work, but I must admit to not being entirely faithful to genealogy (so shameful)... I'll taper off a bit when football season starts in a few weeks. And I'll stop completely for a little while in November when the new JD Robb mystery comes out. I can't help myself.
Dallas loves genealogy, well sort of. She loves to hunt for killers. Samething isn't it?
Love the J.D. Robb books. I tend to read very fast, so I have it done in a short time (abt 5 hours) so still have time for research.
We must be related - half my family is addicted to the In Death books! I've never thought of Dallas as a geneaholic though... but you're right - she does share some of our habits (obsessive research, late hours...)

(And I was exaggerating before - I'll blow through the new book fast. In fact, that's another thing that will keep me up late, because I can't usually put the book down until I see how it ends.)
Now I KNOW were related. Reading doesn't put me to sleep, but wakes me up. Maybe we should become homicide detectives and solve some mysteries. Oh wait, we already do!
One of the greatest sources I have found is in Google Books. You can find really
old books that have full access and can even be downloaded for later reading (for those of us who do
stay up till 2AM doing I found many town history records and by searching there
have found lots of hidden info on different members of the families (not direct line) I was looking for and that
opened the door to more info on the ones I am looking for.

After I find some nugget there, I go back to Ancestry or or other on-line site and start
a new search with the new info.
Hope this helps someone.
hi Molly-

I use Google books as well(almost daily), and I have found that sometimes the Books section on Heritage Quest has useful family histories and directories.
I agree, Molly. Google Books has been very useful in helping me find new leads. The fact that you can save books to your "library" online is great.

The best part, as far as I'm concerned, is the search functionality. If you're like us, and you're doing that 2 a.m. research, having each instance of what you're looking for highlighted is a life saver!
I use more than anything else, but do use other sources too, such as the Norwegian records that are online if I am looking for information on my Norwegian ancestors. I try Rootsweb too, and search Google. Even if I find unsourced family trees, at least they can be a starting point and hopefully I can verify the information.

And I broke down a major brick wall around 3 AM on a work night, so apparently I am not alone! Unfortunately I have not been able to go any further back with that family line yet; I found a passenger list showing my ancestors' arrival from Sweden but don't know where in Sweden they were from.



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