Genealogy Wise

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If you are researching or interested in the region of Calabria genealogically, please post your queries, family information, any resources you'd like to share and anything else that you feel is applicable to Calabria here. If you would prefer that your post be viewed by the whole group, post it to the Comment Wall and not here (please don't double post to both places), just keep in mind that posts in the Comment Wall will quickly be buried by new posts...

Provinces Include:
Reggio Calabria (RC)
Vibo Valentia (VV)
Cosenza (CS)
Catanzaro (CZ)
Crotone (KR)

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I'm researching ancestry in Miglierina, CZ. I've found that LDS microfilmed records are useful but that they have gaps. Has anyone been to Italy or otherwise obtained records for the town not microfilmed by the Church of Jesus Christ of LDS?

Regarding migration to Argentina- has anyone had any success finding records of migration between Miglierina (CZ) & Argentina?
Looking for ancestors and decendants of Maria Rosa Mazza, Angela Rizzo, Giuseppe Tomaino. Also a Curcio connection, ancestor's name unknown. These are parents of my grandparents -- Tomasso Tomaino and Caterina Curcio who emigrated to the USA in1906 and 1909, respectively. Their hometown at emigration was Pianopioli, in the Province of Catanzaro (Calabria)
My maternal grandfather and maternal grandmother were from Calabria.

Antony (Tony) Raimondi - Born 5/25/1892 - came to USA (from Italy) in (approx.) 1909. Father - Giuseppe Raimondi (1865 -1940). Mother - Maria (Signorelli) Raimondi (1870 - 1922).

Alda Grattan - Born 7/26/1906 - came to USA from Italy in 1906. Father - Dominick Grattan (1862 - 6/17/1955) Mother - Maria (Gulla) Grattan (12/1881 - 5/9/1966).

Although my grandmother's maiden name was Irish, she, like her father, grandfather, etc. were all born and raised in Italy.

I'm just trying to find some information about exact dates of their arrivals in the USA (am not sure if they came through Ellis Island). Also, anything about the family while living in Calabria, Italy.

I know my grandfather and family settled in Long Branch, NJ, USA and lived there for the remainder of their lives.

My grandmother,with her parents. settled in Mountain Iron, Minnesota, moved to NYC in 1910. My grandmother, upon her marriage to my grandfather on 10/25/1925, settled in Long Branch, NJ.

Any and all information provided would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!!

Linda (DeRosa) Cooper
I;m looking for Procopio and Mirarchi from Isca sullo Ionio, in CZ.

Here is a site for Cosenza Calabria. I have no one to reasearch in Calabria but, I hear it is very good, but you must register for the search to work. Most are transcriptions but there are some viewable documents too. It searches the name you put in and also gives other names that appear on the document.;jsessionid=70FA1BE8D1661A...


One of my brick walls is in this neck of the woods.

Anybody looking at the Forenza area? Especially the Lombardi or Sassano families?



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