Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Hello all-

Thought I would also jump in. I research the families that lived in Sugar Loaf and Skullyville Counties. These now are part of LeFlore county.

I research families on all rolls---By Blood, Freedmen, Inter-married Whites, NewBorns and Minors. Would love to connect with others researching this area as well. Am happy to do look ups, as I have access to the cards and interviews.

-Angela Walton-Raji

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from leflore county myself families bailey burchfield whittiker scott
I am trying to find information about a John Slaughter who we believe was with a Bicey in Sugarloaf. Found them on a census and I believe with a #2991. My interest is that there is belief that he took a second wife by the name of Tobitha or Tabitha and had two children by the name of Florence and John Slaughter. We believe we found the elder John Slaughter and Tobitha on the 1896 Dawes rolls with Florence and John. Later we found the children on the 1900 census with an aunt Teleyah Slaughter, but without the elder John and Tobitha. Then later we found them as wards on the census with Loring and Jincy Folsom. I know they are on card 2337 and roll numbers 6490 and 6491. If you have any information I would appreciate it. We think the children were orpaned and would like to know what happened to John and Toblitha and also what happened to the children between that time period until Florence ended up in Los Angeles, CA with Jesus Valdez. I have a document from the BIA regarding the estate of John Slaughter that was my grandmother's with Florence roll# on it. The document doesn't say much that I understand. I am just interested in knowing some history to pass on to my children. I have always known that my grandmother was part choctaw and her father was but not much is known about him other than that he was from New Mexico and is of indian and hispanic descent. My grandmother was Florence's daughter. Also would love to know what ever happened to Florence's brother John.....Thanks for any help you could provide, Deborah



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