Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

676 Williams's have participated in the " Williams DNA Project ". A simple google search will find it. I have 15 matches in group 32. I learned more from my DNA test than from 10 years of research. Going thru the Williams DNA Project will automaticaly make you a member and get you the group discount on the test. In my eperience with DNA, seeing huge family tree's that all leed back to the same little area of South West Virginia in the 1700's, with matching DNA to my own. Many of these lines I never evan knew of before I matched DNA with them. Not every one has had the same great luck as I have, but I think most have. It takes a living male Williams to take the test. If your nearest living male Williams is a third cousin or some thing like that, then you can do what I have done on my off lines, order the test with your credit card and use your email address, but use the mailing address of the person takeing the test so it will go to him. All he has to do is 3 cotton swab scrapes to the inside cheek of his mouth and drop it back in the mail. As long as you have used your email address when ordering, the pass word and all the info. will come to you. Don't trust people's family tree's online because half of them are wrong. DNA will take you up the right tree and tell you who you are related to of the different Williams families.

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WOW! I am going to have to participate in this. I love the concept.



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