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Please leave your posts here if you search in or have any information in the parishes:

Barne-Åsaka, Bäreberg, Essunga, Främmestad, Fåglum, Kyrkås, Lekåsa, Malma.

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Am looking for information on this family --

Anders Andersson (parents unknown)
b. 27 September 1833, Åsaka, Skaraborg, Västergötland (possibly Barne-Åsaka?)
Source Citations: Essunga Household Enumerations, 1870-1880, Vol. AI:8, p.85 (GID 1507.17.22400) and Essunga Household Enumerations, 1865-1870, Vol. AI:7, p.42 (GID 1507.15.60900).
d. after 1897(we think)

Married about 1854 to --
Anna Nilsdotter (parents unknown)
b. 28 March 1818, Essunga, Skaraborg, Västergötland

We know of only four daughters. We do not know if they had other children.
1. Johanna Charlotta, b. 26 May 1848, Essunga
2. Ida Kristina, b. 21 December 1855, Essunga
Married in USA in 1879. Do not have emigration date.
3. Anna Lovisa, b. 6 February 1858, Essunga
General Notes: Post 605885 -- SVAR; Household Examination Roll, vol. Essunga AI:, p.85
Emigrated to Amerika May 1881 (we think)
Married in Pennsylvania, USA, in 1885.
Died in Buffalo, New York, in Sept. 1908.
(She is my husband's great-grandmother.)
4. Thilda Carolina, b. 7 May 1860, Essunga; died 1860, Essunga

Would like to have information on the parents of Anders Andersson & Anna Nilsdotter.

thank you,
Alice Holtin
I checked the 1890 census and saw that Anders was born in Barne-Åsaka in 1833.

There is a Anders Andersson b. 27 September 1833 in Barne-Åsaka.

His parents are Andreas Andersson (b. 17 ??? 1794 in Algutstorp) and Stina Andersdotter (b. 6 January 1796 in Algutstorp).

Source citations: Swedish census 1890 online, Lekåsa Birth and Baptism records C:5 (1832-1869), Lekåsa Household Examination Records AI:2 (1814-1838) p. 124.

I believe this to be the correct parents of your Anders Andersson. But as always, doublecheck any information given to you. Don't take for granted that I am 100 percent correct. Although I do believe I am.

Anders Andersson died 3 April 1903 in Essunga Parish according to the Death and Burial records.
Source: Essunga F:2 (1895-1918) p.27.

I have tried to find Anna Nilsdotters parents.
In the 1880 and 1890 census her place of birth is said to be Ryda, not Essunga.
However I can not find any birthrecords of any Anna in March 1818 in Ryda.

There are a couple of Anna born in 1818 in Ryda that are possible targets.

I can however say that she died in Essunga on November 23 1899 according to the Death and Burial records.
Source: Essunga F:2 (1895-1918) p.14.

Thanks for all your help!

It's possible the dates we have are incorrect. Did you happen to run across a marriage record for them? I know sometimes the witnesses are family members.

Appreciate your help so much,
Hi Alice!

They were married on November 19 1854 in Essunga Parish.

His parents are present
There are two other persons present. A Nils Älghjort (or Ölghjort) and Stina.
Could these be the parents of Anna?

The witnesses names are to faint to be able to understand.
Could be a L.D Pettersson and Joh. (probably Johan or Johannes) Hagstedt.

There is also a faint note regarding the person who gave his permission for Annas wedding.
If I squint my eyes, I think I can read a partial of that not and it says:
"Closest relative, brother And. (Anders or Andreas) ??? written permission."

But that last note is really really faint.

The source of this information is the Marriage Records för Lekåsa Parish E:1 (1789-1869) p. 99.

BTW...I used Arkiv Digital's Online service, AD Online, while looking for the records.

Glad to join!  My great-grandfather August Andreason (b. 1871-01-22) was born to Andreas Svensson (b. 1834-06-26) and Johanna Nilsdotter (b. 1836-12-06) in Åsaka in Lekåsa parish. He was one of 7 children (others were Anna Kristina, Mathilda, Ida Kristina, Svante, Beda and Johan Aron).  The specific place of his birth is listed as Svenstorps Rote Stora Flättorp.  Is this a particular farm?  August ultimately emigrated to the US and changed his last name to Swanson. Does anyone have information about the siblings who may have remained in Sweden, or about the family in general, or the farm?  Thank you !  Bruce Karstadt Minneapolis MN 



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