These notes are from High Plains History By Don McAlary and Harold Kilmer, published 1979Notes On House New Mexico from “High Plains History”
by Don McAlary & Harold Kilmer pub 1979
In 1902 John Lee and Lucie Jordan House loaded their covered wagon at Throckmorton, Texas and started West with a herd of sheep, 45 head of cattle and 10 horses. They found a place they liked on the plains some 50 miles southwest of Tucumcari and about 35 miles northeast of Fort Sumner. There they filed a 160-acre claim. They built a house and drilled a well, which was across the road northeast of the present House school.
They were granted a post office, called House, New Mexico in November of 1906. Lucie Jordan House served as the postmaster until 1921. John House also sold groceries, dry goods, hardware and farming equipment.
House was a thriving community by 1910, with 4 grocery stores, a blacksmith, a hardware store, a post office and a newspaper. It was on December 23, 1910 that Henry Norris published the first edition of the Pioneer News. It came out every Thursday and the subscription rate was $1.00 a year. The paper saw its last copy printed on June 11, 1920, the printing equipment was moved to Ft. Sumner in 1940.
It was about 1910 that William Wesey “Mack” True became the first constable at House. When New Mexico became a state in 1912 John L. House was the first elected state representative from Quay County. The count had been created on Feb. 26, 1903.
One of the major aspects of the House families was church. As early as 1910, House’s church was exhibiting an ecumenical attitude by serving a number of diversified Christian denominations. One week the church served as host to a Baptist minister, the following week a Methodist, on Sunday afternoons a Church of Christ brother would deliver the teachings. The congregation did not abstain from attending services if they were not members of that week’s faith.
Francis Marion House
Francis Marion was born February 3, 1839 in Arkansas. His parents, Jacob “Jake” and Mary House were from Tennessee. He died Sep 4 1909 Star Mills, Texas . Laura Ann Hamilton was born October 29, 1845 in Arkansas and her parents, Alexander and Ann were from Tennessee. She died Feb 25, 1928. They were married March 22, 1866 San Saba Co., Texas (Book A, page 89.) In 1864, Francis was a soldier in the Civil War. His grandchildren treasure a letter he wrote to Laura, while he was stationed in Louisiana. He began the letter “Dear Miss”.
Francis and Laura married and lived in Arkansas for a while. IN 1868, they decided to take their daughter, Virginia, and move to Roundrock, Texas. Their son, Jon was born in their covered wagon in the Indian Territory. They continued their trip and settled in Williamson Co., Texas. Their children in order of birth:
Virginia Emmaline born 1867 Texas, married James Jacob Powell Children: Floyd, Lula, Elton, Lela
John Lee born March 31 1868 Indian Territory, married Lucy Jordan Leverett no children
Mary Penolia born Jan 1870 Roundrock, Texas married John D. Mounce Children: Elizabeth, Laura, Willie, JD Jr., Blake, Jimmie, Ada Belle, Nellie Lee, Nettie Penolia, Florence
Ada (twin) born abt 1872 Roundrock, Texas married C. Poley Jones Children: Clarence, Rodney, Hallie, Harold, Howard, Joe Barton, Melba Marion, Donell Archer
Ida (twin) born abt 1872 Roundrock, Texas married Calvin Crable Child: Cecil
Thomas H. (twin) born April 8, 1874 Roundrock, Texas married Frances Wilcox Children: Alpha Ivey, Roydston W, John Lee, Lenora Bland, Annie Laura, Jim Tom, Billie Joe (girl)
James A. (twin) born April 8, 1874 Roundrock, Texas never married
Frances born Feb 1876 Roundrock, Texas married Charlie Welch children: William Harry, Carlos Templin, Laura Lucille, Andrew Riley, James Divernon, Yvonne
Malinda Ellen born Dec 1877 Roundrock, Texas married Riley Welch children: Ralph, Rex, Ross, Raymond
Laura Bland born Dec 1879 Roundrock, Texas married Thomas Knight child” Marvin
Charles Donald born Oct 20 1881 Star Mills, Texas married Iza Norma Goldman Charline, Avery Hamilton, Marquerite, Francis
Josie M. born Aug 5 1883 Star Mills, Texas married Elmer Capps child: Laurel
Edna Ann born 1885 Star Mills, Texas died 1885
Sym (pronounced Sime) was a black lady that helped with the large House family. When Frances was born, Mrs. House almost died. Sym was the wet nurse for the baby.
The House family moved to Star, Texas where Francis Marion built a drug store. He sold it to the local Doctor two years later. The family bought a farm in 1903 6 miles from Goldthwaite. Mr. House also built a gin at Center City and was also instrumental in getting the Masonic Hall built.
John urged his parents to come to New Mexico and file on land. His parents along with James and Josie all went out and filed for land. They liked it so well, they sent for Charlie and Ada and her husband C. P. Jones to build them a home. They were living in one-room shacks on each of their places. When the new home was finished, all except John, moved in with their parents, Francis Marion and Laura.
Sadness came when Francis Marion became ill and wanted to return to Mills Co., Texas. They took him back and he died on September 4, 1909. He is buried at the Hurst Ranch, Star, Texas. Laura returned to New Mexico with son Jim. The returned to Star, Texas in 1920 where she died Feb. 25, 1928 at the home of her son Charlie. She is also buried at the Hurst Ranch Cemetery.
James A. House
James And his twin brother Thomas H. were born April 8, 1874 at Roundrock, Williamson Co., Texas. They grew up in a large family. James was a likeable, nice looking, tall and slender man. He had lots of girl friends, but never married.
About 1903, he moved to House, New Mexico where his brother John had homesteaded.
James homesteaded on 160 acres and bought cattle until he had a large herd. He was a true rancher and wore a big hat and boots. He and Elmer Capps, who later married Josie his sister, were very close friends. Jim had worked with cattle in Texas and Elmer had ranched in Canada. James spent allot of time at his parent’s home, six miles north of House. His place was not very far from then and his sister Josie was still living at home.
Jim’s father, Francis Marion, wanted to move back to Center City, Texas when his health began to fail. James took his parents back and stayed with them until Francis Marion died in 1909. He then returned with his mother to House, New Mexico.
They were still living at House in the fall of 1918 during a big snowstorm. The snow stayed on the ground for 42 days.
When his mother got older and her health began to fail, she wanted to return to Center City. They sold their places and moved back to Texas about 1920. She died in 1928.
In 1949, when James became ill, his nephews too him to the hospital at Marlin, Texas. He died Dec 29, 1949 and his buried in the family plot at the Hurst Ranch Cemetery, Star, Texas. His brother Charlie and sister Edna are also buried there.
James House was a mason with a good religious background.
John Lee House
John Lee, son of Francis Marion, was born March 31 1868 in a covered wagon in the Indian Territory. The family lived at Roundrock, Texas and later moved to Star, Texas,
John married Lucie Jordan Leverett. Lucie was born in Mississippi on June 15, 1869. Her parents were Hercelia J. and William J Leverett. John and Lucie were married Dec. 23 1881 at Goldthwaite, Texas. John taught school there in Throckmorton. In 1902 they loaded a covered wagon and started west. They claimed 160 acres. The first day Lucie Jordan said that she sat in the covered wagon during one of the worst sandstorms she ever witnessed. They built their home and drilled a well on their place, which was across the road NE of the school that was built later in 1921.
John would let his sheep graze on the land between his house and the draw, about 3 miles north. To herd them, he would sit on the windmill tower platform and herd them back toward his house by shooting a shot in front of the leader with a 30-30 rifle.
Charles Donald House
Charles Donald House, son of Francis Marion, was born October 20,1881 at Star, Texas. He lived at Star and Central City, Texas until his was 22 when he went to New Mexico to help build a home for his parents. He died Feb 22, 1963 and is buried at the Hurst Ranch Cemetery.
Charlie lived at House, New Mexico for several years and eventually moved back to Central City, Texas. He married Iza Norma Goldman in Mills Co., Texas. She was born Aug 25, 1884. She died Jan. 16, 1959 and his buried at the Hurst Ranch Cemetery. Charlie and Iza’s children:
Charline married Robert Moore
Avery Hamilton
Marguerite married a York